
Dodge Ram Rams, Doesn’t Dodge

“While the motive for the incident remains unknown...”

How many Tucker Max books do you own?

I’m a Pence man myself — inasmuch as wishing death on people is concerned.

My mom, who is still a tie dyed wearing hippie at 60yo, who has believed in peaceful protests and nonviolence her whole life, told me the other day that she hopes someone assassinates trump.

You know things are sad when each time you hear the “breaking news” tone followed by “from Washington...” you’re praying “please let it be a stroke; please let it be a stroke...” ’Cause I don’t want him dead; I want to suffer for a while.

With all my heart I pray for trump to die every single day.

Yep. And, NO ONE SHOULD GO TO JAIL/PRISON for DEBT. Isn’t it counter-productive anyway? WtF America? Guess we really never did get rid of Debtor’s Prisons, we now just say, WARRANT and pretend it’s okay to jail folks for being poor. I don’t see how traffic tickets make you such a menace to society...that you need to


So where are your stats to provide a counter argument? All I see here is outrage and that’s not really constructive. If you disagree with how they read the stats, how about writing an article with your own detailed analysis and let’s take a look at them.
I am sure they would be enlightening.

I’m actually with that woman there. To clarify, almost every meat production system is going to be open to abuses, not just halal or kosher systems. What people (including myself) object to wrt halal/kosher isn’t a mistreatment during the rearing of animals - it’s the specific means of slaughter. As I understand it,

White House Reporter: “Sarah, today it was reported that a man was making death threats to the employees of the Boston Globe using language like, “enemy of the people” that seem to parrot the language from the President. Does he feel any responsibility for this and should he choose his words more carefully”.

“There’s violence,” he added. “When you look at Antifa and you look at some of these groups — these are violent people.” 

Nearly every Krueger post has about a dozen chuds in the replies yelling at her for her lack of fealty of Hillary Clinton. Why they read this site at all is anyone’s guess!

Hopefully we’ll get to hear what Trump’s jailer would say upon hearing about his death

Pretty sure it was the evil polar bear monster thingy that got them.  ;)

Actually he insulted Arabs by association

“he is not a muslim, he is an honorable man” is not a good comeback to that woman’s racism.

And that worthless twat will be right back on The View next week talking about how others don’t deserve this kind of care.

Fuck John McCain, he was a craven piece of shit.  It’s unfortunate he didn’t die sooner.