He broke the rules, now they'll pull out all his pubic hair.
He broke the rules, now they'll pull out all his pubic hair.
Sorry but it’s not “hate speech” to wish a fascist was dead. It’s banal and Black is a douchebag for reacting like this.
Nothing good can remain in this broken country and world. We can’t even have our lighthearted comedy musicians to distract us with a little bread and circus as we descend into fascism and mass death. All is lost, everything is so fucked.
There are so many things about the Italy trip I love, but I think my favorite, was Schlansky discovering how much Conan is annoyed by the sound of a wine glass on a granite counter top, and proceeding to fuck with him for the whole segment.
Morbid curiosity over whether or not Stewart still had the juice drove viewers to the show.
If 18 and 19 year olds aren’t children, why aren’t they allowed to drink.
I thought the 3rd season was good. Really just the 2nd season that was a dud.
Delivery of “You are brave. You are being so brave” will never not be incredibly hilarious to me.
Hiddleston’s “Don’t set the multiplier down because it WILL roll off...” had all the barely-concealed exhaustion of a parent who REALLY wants to yell at his kid, but he’s in public in front of other parents and can only half smile as he whisper-screams at the kid who keeps making the same mistake. Perfection.
OR... his humor doesn’t land with kids today because kids today are fucking idiots.
the speeches would be drowned out by Zimmer, for one....
I agree with Lee, and also think Grave of the Fireflies should have had a few minutes devoted to what Oppenheimer was up to.
Thankfully, I will never be in the fucking position you’re in.
Judging from the stunned silences that his ad-libs usually garner, this iteration of Real Time will be 60% Bill scowling at the audience for not “reacting satisfactorily” while the applause sign gets a workout.
“Just think of all the money we’re saving by not promoting this movie!” -Zazlav on the next investors call
Wasn’t “Beyond The Sea” in the latest season of Black Mirror effectively this? I can’t see a huge difference from the summary on Amazon of the novel between them. Maybe they aren’t as similar as they sound.
I mean, I’m pretty happy to get rid of the triple digit temperatures and the triple digit electricity bills, soooooo......