
Fair enough, but no need to apologize. I said shake hands and move on. It wasn't sarcasm.

You mean if I looked more closely AND if I had the comment sort order set the same as you do? Because I probably don't. In any case, sorry for cluttering up your life with my observations. Let's just shake hands and move on.

Sorry crankypants. I scrolled through about the first 75 comments and did not notice that anyone else had pointed this out. If I had, I would have left it alone.

Um— "shul" is not a mispronunciation. It's Yiddish for synagogue. It's a predominantly Jewish camp.

"For realsies?"
"For realsingtons."


His middle name is actually Jeremetrius.

If by "nobody" you mean "literally every single person who was paying attention to the dialogue", then yes, I totally understand where you're coming from.

It's footwear. Don't make that mistake.

About Gene's "salt tooth" — Anyone else take that as deliberately suicidal behavior?

Zack seems pretty down on the "should Rick be a farmer or warrior" theme in this episode, but I found it to be fairly relevant. When you think about the idea that Rick's splinter group is on their way to a brand new (peaceful agri-prison/fascist militant Woodbury) situation, it really helped me to understand his

Observations that I wanted to share:
1. Walt finally built a robot to rescue him and Jesse (in a manner of speaking)
2. Walt died in a lab that was producing blue meth. His legacy as Heisenberg is intact, and I think that's really the best he could ask for, knowing he was going to die anyway.
3. Jesse killed someone for

I didn't say he'd get over it. I said it wouldn't deter him from continuing to try to do the right thing in his life. Personally, I don't think he ever really got over ANYTHING that he ever felt guilty about.

Well… remember, it's the same guy who sold Walter his snubnose 38 back in Season 4. The guy is clearly a pro, and knows everything there is to know about covering his ass. By this point in the story, my assumption is that he knows Walter can be trusted not to roll over on him. Beyond that… money talks.

I wouldn't even say he was evil. I think he was subconsciously experimenting with embracing his role as "the bad guy". I believe he was trying to force himself to become clinical and detached to accomplish several goals:
1. Redeem himself as being "good at something" (making/distributing meth) after Walter repeatedly

I don't know. Let's just say I was a partner in a startup company. My revolutionary ideas set things in motion. Then, I got pissed at one of the other partners and offered to let them buy me out. For $5000 dollars.

Excellent point. As you said, we know it's not sloppy writing, it's obvious spin doctoring by the Schwartzs. But how come Charlie didn't pick up on it. And can someone refresh my memory… I remember Walt mentioning that his contributions at Gray Matter eventually resulted in <someone??> winning a Nobel Prize. I'd love

Not only is it out of character, but if Walt is a sick as we are led to believe, I fail to see how he would even be able to carry an M60. I hope it came with a mount or a tripod or something.

I think the important thing to take away from all this is that it underlines the difference between Jesse and Walt and how the events of the series have affected their behavior.

I do think it's weird, but for a different reason— Not that I'm condoning this, of course, but Todd would have been smarter to get more mileage out of the implied threat to Jesse when he was first put in the meth dungeon. Why outright kill Andrea, with the implied next step of killing Brock? This only gives the Nazis