
I recently read that it’s incredibly common for men to get into a new relationship faster than women do after the end of a long-term relationship. it doesn’t really mean that he is over you. It more likely means that he can’t be alone. 

My ex-fiance already met a new woman after we have been broken up for only 2 weeks. Actually, he met her after we had only been broken up for a week.

Our last crop of the season. One of the things I love about fall is planting garlic and putting the bed to rest. By now we’re wanting to take a break. 

Almost Halloween! Any scary movie recs? Recent faves include Hereditary, It Follows, and The Witch, but I also like old horror (Rosemary’s Baby, The Exorcist, The Shining) and teen horror (Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer)

But that’s where I keep all my stuff though!

Forget all the reasons that Kavanaugh shouldn’t be on the bench. Forget politics. Just focus on the accusations.

My brother raped me when I was 12 and my mother did nothing. She blamed me when her husband kept gropng me. Nothing but my threaening to kill them both made these men back off. I meant it and they knew it. I blame her as much as them. What kind of mother throws her child to such monsters as these?

First, thank you for sharing that. All the women in my family were raped, I was molested myself several times and know it’s hard to recall those memories.

I saw my mother raped in Brooklyn in the back of a store room by a security guard. I was 3 and he forced her into the store room. She wouldn’t let go of my hand. I

She has a terrible husband, yes, but maybe she loves him.

Don’t know the context of this person’s comment around raising boys, but masculinity and expectations of boys and men is at the heart of the issue. Unless you subscribe to some sort of essentialism as to why men and boys are almost exclusively the perpetuators of these kinds of assaults and murders, a large part of

I want to give you a hug for this comment. Those types of comments are super triggering, because I deal with a lot of self-blame for one of my rapes, too. Because afterwards, of course you think about all of the what-ifs that might have changed the outcome and you could have gotten away safely. Especially when it was

All these shithead Internet Tough Feminists, grey and otherwise, telling us how they’d never let themselves get in this situation.

On Saturday, I went to see Neko Case. There were a larger number of Children than one normally sees at a bar show. One of these was a girl of about eleven or twelve. Case’s opening act was Thao Nguyen (Thao of The Get Down Stay Down). She is a very awesome rocker who spits, snarls and howls while accompanying

Hi everyone! Thank you to all of you who gave me advice re: road tripping with my furry friend. It went great and she seemed to actually enjoy the experience. All your tips really helped! (especially the reminder to take paper towel- life saver) Here’s our vacation photos!

If you take a picture of someone in public and post it to mock them, and they aren’t being racist or sexist or committing a crime that hurts someone, you’re an asshole.

i had a rash (that my doctor said was probably fungus from the some antibiotics killing all the good bacteria that usually keep it at bay... ANYWAYS....) and i got lotrimin and i kept calling it “lotrimin as fuck” in a movie trailer voice and MrPooslie would just roll his eyes. lol

A friend of mine gained a pet Crow after finding it abandoned in a bush when it was in it’s infancy. She took it in and cared for it until she thought it was ready to leave. however, the crow didn’t want to leave. It ended up following her everywhere! to the store, on her way to school it would sit by the windows of

My friend was a young mother in the 80's. We were sitting at the mall (I know) with her new baby and she was trying to breast feed in a corner of the food court behind a pillar. And mind you she was covering herself with a blanket and trying to as discreet as possible. This little old Italian man walks by and tells

No, it’s a complete thought, and it’s entirely correct. It’s the same basic interaction that’s helped Daryl Davis get 20 KKK members to hang up their robes and disavow their hatred. He’s indirectly responsible for 200 KKK members walking away from their racism.

I’ve never sprung for an entire grocery order, but I like to buy a grocery store gift card and leave it with the cashier to give to the next person in line. One cashier really gets into it and waits until she spots someone she thinks could use a happy little surprise, or looks like they need the help, or whatever. She