But why should you feel comfortable with a dude who is whining about his gf not liking pictures of his ex-gf? To me that sounds pretty... weak.
But why should you feel comfortable with a dude who is whining about his gf not liking pictures of his ex-gf? To me that sounds pretty... weak.
I haven’t gone down the rabbit hole of all that Rose McGowan has said regarding trans people. However I have one big question. Why is Rose McGowan expected to do something for trans people? It’s an honest question. Did she ever say she would? Is she making fame or money off the backs of trans people? Why is the…
That’s true but for science, you’d want to visit Google Scholar and look for open access articles. For social justice, I’d prefer to hear from experts and - or communities of real people. I’ve worked for enough nonprofits to know many of them are bullshit.
Wow, amidst all the sarcasm, an actual suggestion (embedded within more sarcasm). I do appreciate the suggestion although, just like for the environment, there are a myriad of nonprofits. Some good, some great, some downright terrible. I’ve heard good things about this group who I support. http://radicalmonarchs.org/
The fact that Maddie Ziegler has a $629 skincare routine and I can barely afford my cheapo bottle of Biore face wash or whatever makes me sad.
I think it’s pronounced “shitforbrains”
It’s kind of a giant beret.
I think it was dumb of Keaton to post the tweet, and dumb of Dunham to comment about the rape accusation against her friend withouth anyone asking her to do so, but I really don’t see what’s wrong with saying sexual assault and pedophilia are wrong, and male entitlement is widespread, while also believing your friend…
Hi, thank you, I’ve just signed up and they are sending me a postcard with a verification code. I’d never heard of them.
compared to what those people did to their kids? no its really no comparison...
On the counterpoint, being paid to provide a review (and a free room is paid) eliminates any objectivity from the review, since if you trash a place in your review, you won’t get free rooms to review other places, so you are overly glowing.
No doyyyyyeeeee
If this movement does nothing else for me, it will forever be a reminder to me to teach my daughter to NEVER be silent when something feels off, to not normalize the actions of men because these actions are NOT normal. Call these assholes out by name to their faces, to their bosses, to anyone who will listen. We are…
If you were still wondering who Halsey is, she is now first and foremost the woman behind this amazing poem at…
An alternative to calling CPS is to file a petition for guardianship. Either you, your mom, or another family member / family friend would need to file the petition. You can do it with an attorney or pro bono. There should be a form petition that you can just fill in the blanks at your local courthouse. You would be…
She is a Social Media Influencer. Of course she is exhausting to be around!
(malice by mail is a great band name). Thank you for the tip!
This is the only Jewel moment worth re-living.