You don’t like society and experts? Go away, stop living off of the good that comes from it then.
You don’t like society and experts? Go away, stop living off of the good that comes from it then.
You’re confusing opportunity with outcome. We as a people are capable of providing food, housing, education, healthcare, childcare and security for our children. Like you said the government already has programs for all of those so all it would take is expanding those programs and making sure they’re reaching everyone…
Saying that wanting the best for children is naive is the same as saying that the green new deal is too expensive and can’t pass the senate. A goal that’s difficult to achieve is still worth striving for when it’s about wanting good things to happen to children.
“red glitter cowboy boots as table centerpieces.”
Your answer to every point is either parents should do it or the government already does it. No, it’s not good enough the way it is. Every single child should be provided with these things; not some, not most, not within the margin of error. We should be making sure that children have everything they need to be…
No, you don’t need actual data to know that women feel harassed by men on the internet and that men should be thoughtful in the way they speak to and about women on the internet. If someone on the subway said “hey can you back up a little?” are you going to poll the whole car on how close you should stand to that…
I’m really sad about Serena’s look. She’s usually so stunning.... That dress doesn’t fit her properly and they contoured the fuck out of her nose and made it look like she’s had plastic surgery!
Bowman had been following her “at a close distance” when she entered the clinic, calling her a murderer, telling her that she would go to hell, and placing flyers on her arm or in her pocket after she declined to take them.
All the more reason for you to think about how you come off to people. You now have no reason not to know that women are often intimidated by men on the internet and are likely to not give men’s possibly hostile comments the benefit of the doubt.
Don’t knock people’s kinks.
Rep. Lontine notes, even learning nothing about sex is better than learning lies. “I’d rather they just don’t teach anything if they can’t be honest,”
I def remember DARE just introducing me to drugs I’d never heard of and making me curious what they were like.
It’s a new kinky trend, it’s called normaling.
A stranger’s yes. My sister’s would be too personal.
Gin. I started drinking wine with my mom in middle school and was thus pretty adventurous with my alcohol consumption through my teens (I usually take shots without a grimace). But for so long I thought gin was just horrible. Then a couple years someone gave me a G&T and it was so amazing, now I make martinis for…
I didn’t even realize Miranda Lambert had gotten remarried. I like the story of how they met while he was working security at a Pistol Annies show in Times Square. That’s freaking cute!
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump attempts to hold Melania's hand at President Emmanuel Macron's arrival at the South Lawn: <a href=""></a></p>— Braxton (@braxtonryn) <a…
Stef honey, representatives are supposed to represent the views of the people, not the other way around. You want women to run as and vote for republicans? Go ahead and change your views to the ones most women actually like.
I thought that was going to end up so much more pervy.