But he has deep-seated issues to fix as well. As an active owner he should be coming forward to acknowledge his role in creating problems and how he’s changing to prevent those problems even after Marshall is done with her project.
But he has deep-seated issues to fix as well. As an active owner he should be coming forward to acknowledge his role in creating problems and how he’s changing to prevent those problems even after Marshall is done with her project.
It would be great if Cuban would come forward with apologies and what’s he learned from Marshall. The reason there was a problem in the first place was the idiocy of leadership, so if the leadership is still the same people then they need to prove that their mindset has changed and they’ll still be well behaved when…
How stupid can people be? This is not sound logic. Even if he did the program and it didn’t work that does not mean that a traditional suspension would have worked.
How do you prevent your house from being stolen while you’re at work? Do you have to lock it to a bike rack? Or do you just lock something cumbersome onto the hitch so people can’t connect to it?
Oh yeah I forgot my American training. If a corporation says it it must be true.
Those don’t even look good in the picture.
Well that question changes the framing a lot! Like a previous comment said asking someone out requires that you both acknowledge the romantic interest. There are a lot more casual of ways to approach someone. Even if you won’t necessarily have an opportunity to bump into them again you can ask for their number, get to…
I honestly never! I work in payroll and have gotten those calls to verify a check, it is not a big deal. We got so sick of the banks being rude to our employees that we implemented positive pay so that they would just have a list and not need to call. And if for some reason we forget to upload the file they just hold…
I can’t imagine not feeling afraid for my life if a police officer turned to speak to me with their hand on their holster....
This was inevitable for Subway. Their franchise agreements always had stuff about opening more locations within a certain radius of the first within the first 7 years or something. They flooded the market with stores and were guaranteed to put franchisees in competition with each other.
early 30s
The fact that he thinks an insane, openly racist, openly corrupt republican is a better choice than a slightly-left-of-center democrat completely undermines his statement that this isn’t the real GOP.
Oh I get to be the first to mention Arthur Bryant’s! Classic for a reason, delicious food, friendly staff, good prices.
Kylie is def Lydia, she was dating Tyga when she was 17 and he was 23.
Their response makes it seem like either it was a publicity stunt or her own team undermined her, how unfortunate.
Having to lug all my homework and sports stuff back and forth was such a pain. By junior year I was fully responsible for my grades and my athletic schedule and I was practically living out of my car so I said eff this, I’m going to live at my dad’s where I don’t have to argue with anyone.
Once I had a car I just decided where I was going to be when and my mom didn’t fight me on it. I’m sorry that your parents were butts about it.
“the Paris accord is not working out too well for Paris. Because of that accord, the whole country is burning down”
I think the opportunity for white collar workers to unionize is strongest in cities like NYC and San Francisco where the cost of living is so high that the poverty line is above 50k for a family of 4.
I didn’t realize the first time that that’s supposed to be his cabinet in the boat with him. Now I really want Suckabee to wear a big camo jacket to the next press conference.