
We don’t need allies yuck! We’re the greatest country in the world! We’re putting up a wall, all the way around our entire country, telling everyone else to suck it and being super prosperous all on our own. It worked for North Korea right? They have no crime, everyone in the country is super happy and God blessed

Everyone already knew Mirror was about Biel. Becoming exclusive after one month of dating isn’t a big deal. JT is a touring musician, of course she told him she was pregnant over the phone. Is that supposed to be the most interesting parts of this memoir?

In theory a bigger population leads to better athletes but a culture in a sport makes a huge difference. That’s why American rugby is so mediocre, there are so many more countries where kids come up playing the sport.

Isn’t that the kids that would be more likely to be causing trouble though...

wished him congrats!

The rapper one isn’t even close to relevant anymore...That’s a bad parody of Lil Wayne circa 2001. Teen rappers these days are known for their crazy hair and face tattoos, duh! And I think Post Malone makes a great costume.

If your house is pretty warm it will sometimes develop mold on top but you can skim that and reboil it.

My uncle produces maple syrup and swears that it should be stored in the cupboard and not the fridge.

The gooyness of SPK is part of the appeal, you eat one and it takes so long to finish that you can be completely satisfied for sweet and sour by the time you get to ten.

I wonder if being dressed up walking around but not asking for candy would be a misdemeanor.

Wait, how is it legal to charge for an interpreter? We have no national language...

Well clearly they thought that since they accused his girlfriend of a straw sale.

I was mocking what the anti-choice community would say, we are 100% in agreement.

I love KAT and hope that they get rid of Butler’s whiny ass so he can live up to his potential. This makes me so sad and is classic MN men’s sports choices.

Well he’s generation Z, not a millennial, so yeah.

Is that federal law or Delaware? I’m so curious now. Why would they even bother accusing her of a straw purchase if just the fact that it was there was a violation?

Well she’s personally responsible for a major boost to the ratings of every show she’s on so whatever, she’s funny af.

I hate those sleeves, omg it would look better with any other kind of sleeve. Full arm-length, cap sleeve, even t-shirt length would’ve been cool and different without being so gross looking.

CNN: “Your attacks on the media are inciting violence and you should be more careful”

nooooo, I’m saying that the police probably claimed that the phrasing sounded like him, not his girlfriend and thus he was lying about her using his phone to post it.