I wonder if the checks from the show will only be made out to the husbands
I wonder if the checks from the show will only be made out to the husbands
Sure, that seems to be the judgment call they’ve made but lots of companies make bad judgment calls and end up going out of business. So, you know, I’m not looking at their books but neither are you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh sure, absolutely! But the mass shootings that can clearly be tied to romantic rejection were done by white men. So other men may feel women are responsible for their feelings but don’t seem to believe that those women should pay with their lives.
Ah yes MS-13 is sending reps to the US, because gang members can’t connect with each other over the internet, clearly ISIS has been coming and recruiting those people in person to move to Syria.
Some people really enjoy chewing on straws.
Aren’t there plastic-like straws made out of corn oil so that they’re biodegradable?
There’s a difference between being responsible for your feelings and being responsible for your actual problems. Not being able to get the pussy you want is not a problem on par with poverty, unemployment, or unreasonable imprisonment, sorry.
Well every other business seems to have decided that it affects profits because going through the recruiting and training process for new staff is expensive and provides your customers with worse service.
Oh my goodness, over 100% turnover? That is a serious problem, how have they not decided that needs looking into?
The reality of that misspelling is that it auto-corrected Melania to Melanie which means that he never writes his wife’s name in his phone.
White men thinking other people are responsible for their feelings. Suck it the fuck up!
That door control situation is exactly how my high school was. All the doors had magnetic locks that released if the fire alarms went off and there was only one open door with a staffed desk inside of it. Which still wouldn’t have stopped a kid from having a gun in their backpack...
Now I’m just thinking about how us midwesterners pronounce Kelly and it is much uglier than a British accent.
Haven’t read the article yet but omg could Rudy look any more like a corrupt lawyer than he does with that tacky pinky ring?
That’s so intense!
What is this tefillin story?
Cold water is just too slow, when I want to drink water I want to drink a lot right away and not have to keep it away from parts of my mouth. I know the cats drink out of my glass sometimes, but I just love the feel of a glass.
Next time you have a cold fill a glass of water and put it on your nightstand. When you wake up with a dry mouth because you can’t breathe through your nose and you are able to chug a huge glass of water and go right back to sleep you’ll understand the beauty of room temperature water.
This is exactly what I was going to say. Women that live with extended family get support in so many things that we don’t get by living alone, like cooking, cleaning etc.
Water does NOT get bad tasting when left out it gets BETTER! Room temperature water is the best kind of water.