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    Well, the anti-commie tirade may have happened earlier on another thread— that link was just to the last few exchanges with the mods, and they alluded to him having a history of trolling. Plus they do quote him telling others that he was kicked off for being too pro-American.

    Almost as sad: he's not fooling Dawn for a second.

    If you're in SF, do you know that Adore is appearing at The Café next Monday? That's where I just saw DeLa. Would've mentioned it here earlier except I didn't know till the last minute. http://www.cafesf.com/event…

    Oh, the rainbow butt diffusion did happen, but that was all left on the cutting room floor because apparently it doesn't show up well on TV— something about lens flare.

    I just saw Bendela in a live show with Q&A, and she was (good-naturedly) pissed at how much this episode was edited for drama— especially during the makeover part, when she said there was a ton of friendly banter between the queens and with the daughters, that all got tossed in favor of a couple of generic bitchy

    Wow, way to make people sorry for having replied seriously to any of your comments above. "Bitch schtick"? Wow.

    I like the idea of slathering nuance and subtlety— I think this actually can be done, and Mad Men does it; that is, it kind of puts its nuances right up in your face so they're simultaneously subtle and not subtle. So it works for me, and it works for you. But the thing is that everyone draws that line at a different

    And the US wouldn't have had much reason to design a propeller that would sabotage the sub. I mean, they would've had to do it subtly enough that a not-totally-idiotic engineer wouldn't spot the flaw right away, which would mean it probably wouldn't blow up as intended unless the Russians could manufacture it exactly

    I love that we never got to see what the fuck was blocking the car door— I'm sure it's something obvious like the seatbelt, but he's too frazzled to see it even if he's looking right at it, so having it be out of our field of vision too just amped up the aggravation.

    No, he clearly said "it makes you more Colecogent."

    That's Elizabeth's next fantasy scenario. She'll ask Philip to put the wig on only one side of his head, then beat the shit out of himself.

    I'm not well informed about killing people, but I'd imagine that if he crushed her larynx there wouldn't be all that much of a sound, and she would die not instantly but very soon without any further effort on his part. I believe that's how Philip killed Timoshev in the pilot, and it was a very small sound effect that

    There were quite a few of the Euro-comics HM ran in the '80s that were well written— not so much in the "making sense" sense, and not exactly tightly plotted, but that had interesting words and characters and unusual answers to the question of what the fuck might happen next, separate from the prettiness of the

    Apologies if I misread & this is something you're totally aware of, but: Jodorowsky has written a shitload of comics, many of which appeared in Métal Hurlant and were then crappily translated in Heavy Metal (the magazine not the movie).

    "Would Charles really smudge up the numbers on his hand like that? Or not even write them down on a piece of paper in the first place?"

    Yeah, that was his plan, and it would be a semi-realistic plan except that Jaime isn't going to leave King's Landing in a million years because he's in love with Cersei. Tywin can't be totally clueless about this, but can't admit it either; he wants to believe that the only reason Jaime stayed in the Kingsguard all

    The wolf skin (regular wolf I think, not giant direwolf) was an awesome prop from the first season that unfortunately went by too fast to really notice— it was a custom scabbard that the Starks used to carry around their huge-ass ceremonial sword. You can see it early on in episode 1 when Ned beheads the poor Night's

    GRRM has said that visiting Hadrian's Wall, and thinking about how the Roman guards there might've thought of that territory as a huge wilderness full of weird savages and monsters, is what gave him the idea. But he wasn't trying to depict (no pun intended) what the Celts were really like, just riffing on that whole

    I don't think we've seen any evidence that he was all that good at leading the City Watch in its stated purpose, i.e. keeping the peace in King's Landing, even if he was fine at organizing assassinations and skimming money. Super-corrupt cops aren't usually too interested in dealing with any problems that might