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    He has heard the rumors— he said so to Cersei back in season 2. But it wasn't clear if he took them seriously at all, or was just trying to upset her. Even if he's aware of the possibility, Joffrey does seem to be pretty invested in the idea that Robert was his father; last season when he pitched a fit in the Small

    Yep, Littlefinger is supposed to be arranging a marriage between himself and Lysa, to bring the Vale into closer allegiance with Joffrey's regime, and also as a financial reward for him to make up for not getting Harrenhal.

    I think Cersei is a great example of someone who probably had a lot of potential, but was not in a good place to do anything with it. No one gave a shit if she was smart or not, she had no opportunity to make any decisions or pursue any of her own interests or learn from any mistakes. So she's just saved up a lot of

    In Astapor, she didn't leave an army behind, she just killed all the slaveholders and said "Yay, everyone's free." She did say that any of the Unsullied who wanted to stay behind to pursue other interests could do so, but it looks like most of them followed her. When she conquered Yunkai, again she didn't have much

    It didn't look familiar to me. I think it's just that Joffrey was bored and he really likes ornate metal shit.

    Actually I took it as sincere appreciation— not that Olenna necessarily thinks Brienne looks good, but that she's so bored by everyone she sees that she's sincerely glad to see anyone who's extremely different.

    I'm used to all software stuff in fiction being bullshit, so this didn't really bother me— at least it's a real category of thing that they made up an impossible version of— but that whole "hey look at this, how did he do it" scene still didn't work for me, because I can't buy the idea of a group of a half-dozen

    Whoops , the reply I posted below to savemejeebus was mostly supposed to be a reply to you. Apparently I don't know how to use computers…

    Although I don't have direct experience with the realms depicted on the show (I'm a somewhat older programmer in a not so exciting non-startup niche), it rings pretty true to me based on what I hear from friends at Google et al., with allowances for satirical license. I understand Hang's complaints, but I think there

    We haven't seen as many of Philip's on-the-job dalliances as we have of Elizabeth's, but early last season in his other affair where he was pretending to be a Swedish agent, he seemed to be on the cold & dominant side too. It's plausible that he wants to withhold himself emotionally and considers rough sex to be less

    Disney didn't come up with the title; Ed Brubaker did when he wrote the comics the movie is more or less based on. But, more to the point, the Winter Soldier Investigation's organizers didn't originate the term out of nowhere; it was in reference to Thomas Paine's line about a "summer soldier" being like a

    Yep— it's mentioned here.

    Would a specialist like Beverly have had training in hand-to-hand combat?

    And Will is aware of at least some of Lecter's history as a manipulator— so sending a crazy guy to kill someone else, and knowing that there's an advantage in it for him no matter which way it goes, makes Will just as worthy of those antlers as if he went and chopped someone up himself.

    Cecil Adams covered this before Snopes, succinctly and snarkily as usual: "…it is now known that you do not breathe through your skin. You breathe through your mouth and nose."

    There's a line in (I think) a Martin Amis book about why "asshole" isn't really just American for "arsehole": "We are all assholes some of the time, but an arsehole is an arsehole all of the time."


    All of the above, I think. Peggy hasn't had any experience with radio or TV at this point, has she? It makes sense that she wouldn't have well-defined thoughts about casting and directing actors. Her frustration in that scene is realistic for a self-taught person who's managed to succeed at a bunch of other things

    Well, we all have our buttons I guess. But if you realize you sound like a nut, maybe "I realize I sound like a nut" would be a better lead-in than "You people are crazy," etc… I mean, either you're interested in talking to other people and can consider that they might legitimately like the thing you hate, or you're

    I'm pretty sure it's possible to love Chandler and love this movie too. Or am I doing it wrong?