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    Based on my experience of working in white-collar jobs in NYC and San Francisco, I can tell you that when comfortable professionals indulge in illicit but relatively safe drugs, and vote for Democrats, it doesn't mean they're politically liberal on more than a shallow level that's strongly influenced by wherever they

    As a computery person, that looks to me like not a real nadir, but just "our software was broken/not turned on/not recording stuff for a while."

    Pedantic commenters? What? There were like two comments about the voice on the train, and they weren't serious complaints, they were just like "ha, that sounded funny to me because I've heard that voice a million times", which is kind of a normal response to the weird experience of seeing your own neighborhood on TV

    I've been in SF for 11 years & have seen a lot of what you're referring to. I just hope that when the bottom drops out of the current absurd tech bubble, things will become a little less stupid, as they sort of did after the previous one.

    Depending on daily Kinsey variations, if you put together me and my partner you could make one straight Frankenviewer.

    Yeah, the moment when Richie finally decides enough is enough is so well done— he's sincere, but he's also clearly really tired of having to deal with this guy's clueless shit, which, judging by how his lively face shut down over the course of the date, has been quite an effort and one he wouldn't have bothered to

    I liked the movie, and I thought the casting of Kate Reid was one of the main things that made it more interesting than the book (the other thing being the excision of most of the infodump digressions). And the epilepsy subplot didn't come off quite as dumb as the secret brain tumor plot here: Reid's character had

    The "people not telling each other important shit" thing has been around as long as the whole techno-procedural-thriller genre— the granddaddy of them all, The Andromeda Strain, uses "team member hides a serious health problem from everyone, then becomes disabled by it at the worst possible time" as a major plot

    He already admitted he was just trying to troll SEK and yet everyone keeps responding.

    Well, veggies in general are a good Cain joke, given the whole reason for the brother-slaying: God preferred Abel's offering of tasty mutton, rather than Cain's offering of fresh produce.

    Yeah, like I said elsewhere on this thread I think they're portraying her as borderline, or somewhere in that general realm. And so far it's a much more accurate representation than you usually see, IMO. It's that intolerable gray area where even though she somehow can't help it and is having a crappy time being that

    I don't get why it's supposed to be a big deal whether the creators of a show are reading Internet commentary about it. Plenty of good things have been made in the past when there were no Internet comments, and plenty of shitty things have been made despite negative reviews. It's a relatively recent development for TV

    Hmm… 1997. I had started college over from scratch after dropping out with a bunch of useless credit, and I was a better student this time but I was exhausted and working all the time and having no fun, and being broke in NYC had lost its glamour after 7 years. I think this is also when my high-school sweetheart and I

    But I don't think there is any indication that Pat thought of that date as an experiment in "going outside his scene." In his conversations with Dom and his co-worker, it sounds like that's the kind of guy he always tries dating, and he's having bad results because he bases it on shallow ideas about what kind of guy

    I don't think just saying it's a challenge is "universalizing" too much. Some people do well with that challenge, many don't. In that sense, not having to deal with that particular issue by virtue of when you both happened to be born could be considered "lucky", just as some people who wouldn't deal well with a

    What I thought Todd was saying, which I would agree with, was that it was an obstacle for Ray and Shosh in particular— they're just at really different places and neither of them is really personally equipped to make the leap across that gap, whereas the 20-year-old version of Ray or the 30-year-old version of Shosh

    Pretty sure Dunham said in the "inside the episode" segment that she and Konner got the title from "a Big Boi song we like."

    More like super fortunate coincidence, because Hoffman and Dunham are old friends. But yeah, their looks and general odd presence worked really well together.

    But that is unfortunately a real category of craziness that some people have, and if you've ever spent time around it, it can be fucking infuriating and/or scary. The whole spectrum of personality disorders, especially the cluster that gets lumped together as "borderline", can come across as very calculated at times—

    Oh, that usually just means either something in what you wrote set off the not-super-bright spam filter (e.g. lots of web links, or talking about Schmiagra), or else Disqus just had a random little whoopsie attack.