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    Well, it kind of went through and kind of didn't. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution in 2004 naming it the Emperor Norton Bridge - but only the new segment, between Treasure Island and Oakland. There was no corresponding vote in Oakland, and Caltrans didn't take action on it.

    I really liked the Rosetti bits in this because they helped to answer what everyone's been asking since he first appeared: how someone so reckless and volatile could be a successful gangster and still be alive. So, 1. he's not really all that successful— he owns one suit— and 2. his boss thinks he's a flake and is

    I really liked the Rosetti bits in this because they helped to answer what everyone's been asking since he first appeared: how someone so reckless and volatile could be a successful gangster and still be alive. So, 1. he's not really all that successful— he owns one suit— and 2. his boss thinks he's a flake and is

    FLAGGED for making me run those words through my brain again.

    FLAGGED for making me run those words through my brain again.

    You don't think the sexbot converted?

    You don't think the sexbot converted?

    One of the weirdest things about Internet culture to me is how many people actually follow box office numbers, and talk about them as if they're sports stats.

    One of the weirdest things about Internet culture to me is how many people actually follow box office numbers, and talk about them as if they're sports stats.

    It's a small thing, but I really liked the casting of the assorted Red Flag suspects that got busted and interrogated in that montage early on. They weren't a bunch of hardcases, they didn't all look crazy or particularly powerful; they seemed like a fairly random cross-section of Americans who had at some point found

    It's a small thing, but I really liked the casting of the assorted Red Flag suspects that got busted and interrogated in that montage early on. They weren't a bunch of hardcases, they didn't all look crazy or particularly powerful; they seemed like a fairly random cross-section of Americans who had at some point found

    I'm sure that if you asked the bookstore, you'd find that the feeling was mutual.

    I'm sure that if you asked the bookstore, you'd find that the feeling was mutual.

    I've never been so moved by seeing a guy looking at his knee.

    I've never been so moved by seeing a guy looking at his knee.

    Not necessarily meaningful, but nifty: Ben had a near-death experience earlier in this season by being encased in white plaster; Jonesy's tar shell is like a rougher negative of that. We see that plaster mask again this episode, but it's been cracked in half (I like Justin's half-hearted attempt to see if it might

    Not necessarily meaningful, but nifty: Ben had a near-death experience earlier in this season by being encased in white plaster; Jonesy's tar shell is like a rougher negative of that. We see that plaster mask again this episode, but it's been cracked in half (I like Justin's half-hearted attempt to see if it might

    My favorite Samson moment in this episode is when Ruthie tells him she's seeing dead people, and he asks incredulously if she's saying she has second sight… and then after taking it in for a second and deciding to believe it, he asks hopefully if she could work it up into a new act. I love how practical-minded he

    My favorite Samson moment in this episode is when Ruthie tells him she's seeing dead people, and he asks incredulously if she's saying she has second sight… and then after taking it in for a second and deciding to believe it, he asks hopefully if she could work it up into a new act. I love how practical-minded he

    Huh… I really didn't take the Phil-from-the-closet thing as the show making a joke about Phil. I thought it was Phil making a joke about Vito. As in, "You know what's really in your closet? The guy who's going to kill you now."