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    @avclub-9acf7344ec50993b012999f76196c4c6:disqus "I think that you people are being willfully obtuse" <— wtf. You know, sometimes people just don't see things your way no matter how much you argue at them, and you may be totally right, but that doesn't mean they're fucking *lying* about their point of view.

    @avclub-9acf7344ec50993b012999f76196c4c6:disqus "I think that you people are being willfully obtuse" <— wtf. You know, sometimes people just don't see things your way no matter how much you argue at them, and you may be totally right, but that doesn't mean they're fucking *lying* about their point of view.

    I can't imagine what the point of bothering to post "tl;dr" all over the place is, if it's not to get people's attention, but OK. That's a particularly weird response to *that* comment (since it was posting edited-out dialogue that US viewers wouldn't have known about otherwise, so for anyone who's interested at all

    But she doesn't have a horde any more - most of them took off after Drogo died. She's leading a bunch of civilians and ex-slaves, plus about four warriors who still like her. That's why they're in the desert and are totally screwed.

    Yeah, that was a nice disappointing but realistic moment when she was making her big speech to the slaves: "You are now free, you can choose to stay with me as free people and—" [several dozen of them immediately fuck off out of there]

    First they came for the gay lizard men who smoke using cigarette holders, and I said nothing, for I was not a gay lizard man who smokes using a cigarette holder.

    I didn't mean it was the immigration authorities' fault, I just meant that it's a name where the pronunciation would be lost before anyone even got a chance to try to sound it out, because those accented letters don't exist in English. And yeah, the WWI connection makes sense.

    I do understand that. I also think that a guy who can afford to give tens of thousands of dollars to charity, but decides not to because some people on the Internet are "demonizing" him— which as far as I can tell involves saying mean things or not being happy about his tax cuts, rather than busting out the

    Thanks for your sarcastic suggestion, but there are actual charities that (a) feed lots of people in my town, (b) aren't doing it for publicity, and (c) have to account for where the money goes. So I give money to them, because it helps, not because I care whether some asshole on the Internet thinks I'm a nice person.

    Why don't we let people take jobs for fifty cents an hour? Why don't we let people decide whether or not to work for someone who collects money on their behalf and may or may not ever give it to them?

    That's not a risk he knew he was taking though, is it? I don't think Ben saw the Wanted posters. But he did have to tell Samson that he spent most of his money for no apparent reason.

    Yeah, I hope so— although it's a trade-off, because that was such a great/awful shock moment when Catelyn was just presented with it as a fait accompli, and the reader realized along with her what a massive problem this could be.

    Did they ever explain how they'd covered up the disappearance of 40-plus guards? I realize you can only nitpick TV fantasy plots so much, but that just seemed like a huge and unnecessarily dumbassed plot hole. I still might have kept watching if all of the writing and acting in the first 3 weeks hadn't been so

    @avclub-8ed16b12adc574bb06ec2cb2f5479952:disqus Robert Downey Jr. in an Iron Man suit is, by definition, canned ham.

    Yeah, Sleipnir was the cool super-horse with eight legs. Odin rode him to get to the underworld.

    Because trailers very often present shots out of order?
    Or because the sky is full of explodey flying things anyway, so pretty much anything Iron Man might be leading toward them is likely to be bad news?

    Iron Man 2 wasn't super well written and didn't exactly have a crystal clear message, but I wouldn't call it Objectivist. Tony Stark sure *thinks* he's a Randian hero who has "privatized world peace", but the events in the movie don't really support that: he gets sidetracked into fighting off a guy who's on a personal

    Oh dear God, I should have checked that line before I tried to be funny. I DIE NOW

    @avclub-f3df38bea0571d15e376bda9c1245e59:disqus We don't actually know whether Dr. Manhattan has a Ph.D. He could have a JD, Psy.D., DC (Chiropractic), or DMA (Musical Arts). Therefore you are totally wrong.

    Frodo: Not yet, but must, even though I'm sure it'll depress the crap out of me. But then JULIA wasn't a barrel of laughs either and I loved that.