
Original title - 10 Ways Good White People Can Help Black America

Republican here. Yes, his old shit was funny. And I feel it’s right to defend famous millionaires because it doesn’t matter what you’re worth, it matters if you are in the right. The problem here is that a person you idolize doesn’t agree with your world view. Political correctness is out of control and destroying

Keep kids out of this crap.  Develop their principles, but when you start shoving signs in their hands for photo ops you’re taking advantage of them.

And in part because men and women simply have different interests. It’s great to encourage children to do great things in whatever they want to. Pretending that issues that have only limited evidence of where they ever existed were somehow major widespread problems only serves to undermine any chance of people

Is there a reason why this advice is particularly geared towards girls or important for them? Are girls told about being scientists whereas boys are just told about concepts of science?
When I was a kid I don’t remember science discussions talking much about scientists as people at all. It was all about “electricity

Not trying to start an argument or be a jerk, but how much would dads make for their “second job” of being a dad after coming home from working a full work week and do dad stuff with their kids?

Over the course of many many years I have only experienced two women attempting to negotiate salary after the offer is made - any idea why? Maybe half the male applicants push on salary, then when the salary discussion is over they push for extra vacation and perks. The women just don’t do that - I’m legitimately

Because the premise of the wage gap is entirely misleading and this article just continues to show how ridiculous it is. Women usually stay home more to care for young children and thus their career stagnates during that time. Alert the presses. Of course it will take anyone who exits the workforce longer to catch up,

I’m sure someone will be kind enough to explain, why a company wouldn’t staff their entire firm with women since they cost less ?

This isn’t true and has been proven many times. The pay gap is about 95% which can easily be explained by factors like women working less, women are less likely to demand raises, women taking time off to raise children, etc.

There is an episode of “Explained” on Netflix on the gender wage gap that was one of the most even-handed treatments of the issue I have ever seen. It even featured a woman who acknowledged (without apparent prompting) that much of the gap is due to women voluntarily choosing to focus on their families instead of

Yeah, so... Can we have an actual thoughtful discussion about the problem, instead of more of this meaningless and repetitive crap?

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