
My spouse eats soup for breakfast. Like, clam chowder-level soup. No clue until we lived together.

Here’s one:

It makes me think of the Louisiana rep who proposed special vouchers for students who want a religious education. She lost it when she found out that non-Christians would also get to use the vouchers the same way.

This. I give (some) credit to the reps still showing up and taking the abuse. Which I then rescind if they go on TV and claim that the angry constituents are paid activists.

That is a disgusting excuse.

You of all people should appreciate a motto that sounds like something Batman would say.

They can mock it all they want, I love it. We’re in a very scary time and a bold motto is appropriate. Frankly, if Fox News came out with it four years ago the Republicans would be cheering for it.

Pamela: I am going to eat a big bacon cheeseburger with a side of baby seal fries for lunch just to spite you.

Let’s not forget that the business was struggling before Kate wore this dress. I think calling it “The Kate Effect” is a great way to publicize her new line but I don’t think the first line would still be around either way.

In Trump’s defense, no one told him what LGBTQ stands for.

If she had resigned over this, I would actually gain a small amount of respect for her. It’s like Ted Cruz: I think they are both abhorrent but I could at least understand that they stood by those (awful) convictions. When Teddy caved on supporting Trump and Betsy caved on this, they reached the point of no return.

Guys, I’m starting to think that maybe Trump won’t be good for America.

And yet he still won. That is what terrifies me.

When i started reading your comment, I thought you were going to tell me that she was the sweetest girl ever who reads to blind puppies on the weekend. Glad to hear my theory holds up. Sorry she sucks.

Or Amanda.

I realized it around 5th grade when a boy made fun of me for the street I lived on. He had asked me to “go steady” earlier that year and I totally bungled it because I was scared. So he proceeded to be mean to me for the next four years.

Mekki’s initial comment was present-tense and forward-looking.

I am jealous that you have all of those new-to-you episodes yet to enjoy.

...And I’m sure those Pennsylvanian coal miners will have no issue moving to south Texas to find work. /s

And he’s also apparently a miserable person to be around.