
You just gave me a reason to go to the gym.

I blame Texas then because they voted for him.

It seriously sounded like a satirical article. How is he the president?

Let’s keep the blame where it belongs-- on the people who voted for him.

God, I hope those girls got out of the house and got all of the therapy.

This deserves more stars.

I’m with you on campy crap, but Mama June lost me when she decided there was nothing wrong with rekindling a relationship with a man who sexually abused her daughter.

Thank you! They care more about hearing from their constituents than from some pissed off liberal calling from a few states away.

I had someone I like tell me today that people need to give Trump a chance and that the protesters were so angry. Thank god it was via email so she couldn’t see the look on my face.

Too bad it’s not one of the ones that catches fire.

Per the article, this is not necessarily illegal. But it’s the same server that’s been hacked by the Russians before.

...and he and his team are using a private server now.

#jokingnotjoking, but we all need to go visit our parents and grandparents and block Fox News on their TVs when they aren’t looking.

What on earth do you think Ivanka is thinking about all of this? I assumed she had some shred of sanity but now I think she’s just better at hiding it if she can go along with this.

As I understand it, there is NO process to “unregister”. It’s the responsibility of the states to communicate with each other when a voter moves and to have the registration from the previous place a residence removed. And in most states, it’s a Republican who presides over the voter registration process so any

And Heather Locklear will join in the fourth year.


I think continually reminding our reps that we will take down whoever has sided with Trump is a good thing.

In the upcoming US Civil War II, I wonder what the uniforms will look like?