Erwin T.

To be honest, 99% of the time you shouldn't feel pity for Frank when he "lost" something/somebody. It usually means that one of his scams stoped working. How should they know that Frank was actually emotionally invested this time? Did they even know that he had a sort-of-girlfriend?

Rob her money once and you get a few hundred bucks. Rob her heart and you can rob her every day a little bit, live at her place and she might even mention you in her last will.

Exactly. I obviously don't do the things you do while watching Archer.

That's not porn. The books for 4-years-olds which explain reproduction are more pornographic than this.

I don't know anything about his sex life but I think he has some kind of elaborate metal toy which he uses for foreplay. What good is being able to control all kinds of metal if one doesn't have this?

I don't like them either. Because they make no sense at all. At least the way they are used by the wizards.

Planets may be big, but a target that is important enough to get the Inquisitor and one of the highest generals of the Empire on the plan would definitely justify searching the whole surface with hundreds of Ties, Probes and Speeders. Of course one would start searching around the big cities, it's not as if they don't

Don't drink too much, don't take drugs, don't sleep in your own piss. I guess one has a good chance then not to look like a 64old at the age of 51.

Right, but it would make "sense" to have Sammy with 15 and Fiona with something like 20. But I guess this way they have even more room for future revelations.

Toopers have been competent.
Episode 4: They capture the Tantive IV and Leia and the ones on the DS are incompetent on purpose, because they are ordered to let the protagonists escape.
Episode 5: They win the battle for Hoth (AT-AT-casualties can be explained by the hurry they are in to disable the reactor before all

How they will rescue him? Well, I guess the major work, as always, will be done by the Empire. Tarkin has access to the biggest star destroyers, it would make sense to keep Kanan there. Even with all the dumb luck in the galaxy and the most incompetent soldiers on the other side 4 people+1 droid can't board a

Right. Yoda even says that.
Luke, the Force runs strong in your family.

Right. And also: what is the alternative? Isn't it pretty likely that a force-user would chose the dark side over the light side? I mean I would and I know the consequences. Power and passion sounds way better than being a chaste monk.

Luke is 22 when he meets Yoda and Ezra is 14.

A Shmoo. Because how can it not be obvious?

But Bender comes before Philip.

Never take more than 20 bucks to a bar. There is a high risk of waking up next morning at another cities train station without your money and without your pants.

I assume that this planet doesn't have many spaceports. If all of them are around the same area you wouldn't blockade the planet, you would only blockade this limited area. Of course, as always, the Empire does a very bad job at this pretty easy task. Yes, many Star Wars-plots wouldn't work if the Empire was

I don't remember executing anybody. You're describing something some of our (((grand-)grand-)grand-)parents did and no living person is responsible for.

I don't think so. She actually told the audience more about her relationship than she had to.