
If they’re trapped inside because of the winters then....yeah, this does kind of feel like win-win. If it gets used to just keep cows indoors all the time regardless of the season, that’s when it starts to feel a bit sad-dystopic.

Now playing

Great, Nopw out them for exploiting child labour.

It’s strange how given it’s Roblox this is one of their lesser sins because of the whole, you know, basically being driven by child labour thing.

For the avoidance of doubt, when daddy’s at work and the boy is home, his climbing all over me is my being extremely lovely and letting him goof around even though I’ve got work to do. When I’m not working, we have many a splendid gaming time together, most recently our obsession with Minecraft Dungeons.

The original Monopoly’s design strengths”... I am always interested how Monopoly is perceived to be a ‘strong’ game by many, while most game developers agree it is a broken piece of trash, systemwise.

I know this is a sponsored deal but holy crap that’s not a good price at all. Last month, Best Buy and eBay had them new for $110 and in February Office Depot had them for $115 and QVC had them for $120. Keep waiting and check SD if you want an actual deal on them. Even Kinja deals has had better deals on these most

I know this is a sponsored deal but holy crap that’s not a good price at all. Last month, Best Buy and eBay had them

Spec Ops: The Lion

Man, if that level is the best you can offer that’s not great to me. Just doesn’t look like there’s much fun or interesting about the gameplay. I’ve run around and collected orbs before.

If 2) is just an annoying kid in a Moogle outfit I’m throwing a temper tantrum

Bullet sponge. Arrow sponge. In the end, it’s all the same.

im going to have to stand up for heath. also, if i may date myself, and yes i know the joke for that, does anyone remember the “nerds” blizzard? they dont seem to have it anymore, but when i was a kid that was tooth achingly sweet, less a treat than a trial to endure.

I dont think the author is correct, this is a common Windows 10 scaling issue. If you set your scaling to 100%, and your desktop resolution is set to 4K, you get 4K as an option

Use fish bait and it removes eggs from the fishing loot table.

The story makes it sound like the car still had those features when he bought it, and they didn’t disappear until he took it home and updated the software.

I’m tired of seeing “Could not take a screenshot” after every trophy I earn.

Don’t buy the cut resistant gloves without reading the reviews. I was excited to start building my superhero outfit and protecting my hands from knives for a mere $10, but alas, most of the reviews seem fake.

Don’t buy the cut resistant gloves without reading the reviews. I was excited to start building my superhero outfit

what a bunch of inclusive, thoughtful jerks