
I think cutting the TV Club down really hurt them overall. I understand not paying for low readership recaps, but I suspect that a lot of those niches are what brought people to the AV Club in general, and then those commenters spilled out into the Newswire and features.

Anyhow, now that the snark is out of my system, I don't know if Marxist criticism is really right for this situation. The alienation of labor is contingent on not being able to make a choice. Essentially, you go to the factory, and you're forced into a dead-end position performing the same endless task for eternity.

Will you just write your autobiography already?

Are we talking about a Whole Foods that's strictly a grocery, or one of those ones where there's a little luncheon section near the deli?

Was the break-up before or after the "super like?"

Dan certainly seems tired of it. He should just send those folks an LMGTFY link.

Can we talk about what a great acronym "Genuinely Not A Threat" is? And he didn't even tip his cap to it in the response.

Kind of? Jeffrey Eugenides' novel Middlesex came out in 2002. Even by that point, "intersex" was becoming the preferred term.

I think it's sort of an exercise in, like, zen egotism. You need to have enough self-worth to (respectfully and politely) dismiss people who say "no" to how awesome you are out of hand, and you also need to realize that you're not so special that they didn't line up another half dozen dates with other people after

To be honest, I don't think there's a most humane way of being rejected. Would I rather face the firing squad or the guillotine? It's not really much of a choice, is it? And I get that a lot of people are going, "firing squad, at least you can see it coming" but I suspect many of those people are examining it in the

Well, you know, marital things. They probably review their joint finances, meet with an estates attorney, do an inventory of their possessions and decide if their keeping anything or throwing anything away, go shopping for replacements, etc. etc.

"Hey, listen, you're great and I really want to give this a try. Can we try and set up something definite and keep to it, no excuses. I don't care if it's tomorrow or in a month's time, but I want to see you again."

I'm going to defend short-term internet ghosting here: you met these people up to twice and maybe chatted with them for a total, of what, 50 messages apiece? That's not a relationship, that's a sales pitch. Sometimes the easiest way to say "no" is to just not call the salesguy back. You don't want to get harassed and,

Like, I know that, obviously, someone being prided for their physical attributes and ability to achieve/fake an orgasm on command is not liable to be a trained actor, and their writing staff is not expect to be on par with a studio production, but surely, there are amateur productions and there are good amateur

I mean, part of it is not strictly workers' rights. It's the gray market nature of the business, like stripping. As long as society attaches a taboo to the work and assumes people who work there are damaged or corrupted in some way, there will not be the necessary pressure brought to bear from the outside. They'd

We're here! We're typing! We should be on our computer's word processors typing and not here, but we are here, wasting time!

"Dear Mister Speaker,

She can't be VP when she's the Queen of All Womanhood. There's separation of powers! The disgruntled MRA types are already mad enough at her for having both a vagina and opinions as it is!

"Do you think he'd like this one?"

Don't date college students using OKCupid. They very rarely have any concept of "9 to 5"