
Kesha’s already done the Evil in My Erogenous Zone, I believe.

Amen, amen, amen. I work with several school districts. This month I’m in a mostly white, middle-class/wealthy district class. Last month, I was in classes in the racially diverse, poor district. The idea that a bunch of second graders who are below reading level should be able to overcome being hungry, not always

Never saw it in writing. Assumed it was “Queue.” The more you know.

I heart Podrick so much. His dopey yet brilliant facial expressions are everything.

Off topic, but your comment (which is excellent, btw) is written in the tone of one of my very closest friends who I adore, and I cannot help but read it in my head in her voice, and it is perfect.

We’ve got a wedding next week, so somebody’s gonna die. There’s that to look forward to.

My understanding is the White Walkers hadn’t been seen for thousands of years. While they had had winters before, the White Walkers weren’t part of it — the winter was just a long, snowy cold season that could last years during which people starved and had minimal mobility. I could be wrong (not a book reader yet),

It’s a lot less annoying in the clip than in the recaps. I was pretty... pissed is too strong a word, but definitely had a “Here we fucking go again — dammit boys! Stop being dicks!” attitude until I saw the clip. It was obvious it was an extremely sarcastic, dry remark made by Renner that Evans picked up on. The

I find this man attractive in a trashy way and I really hate myself for it.

I work in communications for a nonprofit organization that helps educate kids. In an ideal world, I’d work for a humane society or animal shelter. Because nonprofit work pays garbage, I also serve coffee on the weekends, which is why I am always so damn late to the SNS party.

I am! And honest to Christ, the word “productive” is for machines. Machines that make a product. I am a person. I make a life. Yes, I could probably structure my time differently, but I really enjoyed the emotional catharsis I got from my Mary Tyler Moore Marathon yesterday, and this guy can go fuck himself.

They are resplendent.

Thanks for confirming that’s him. First I was like, “David Tennant? No, not quite...”

Legit just watched the “Mary Tyler Moore Show” episode where Mary is furious she makes $50 a week less than her predecessor and does a better job. Love that it’s still a problem 40 years later.

Thanks. I felt brave, and then I felt stupid and sad. But it’s been a week so I feel brave again, but it’s gonna be a while.

5% The guy who plays Daario on Game of Thrones

I hate trying to make new friends, especially when the ones I have who are not local are so awesome.

A favorite is like a starred comment. Right? Have I been doing this Twitter thing all wrong since 2010?

Doogie Howser’s girlfriend’s mom.

The article is SO LONG. I wonder if that was on purpose — like Bleak House was as long and drawn-out as the court case the book was about. This article is as long as the fabric on a maxi dress.