
Exactly. We’ve all got one of *those* hookups in our past, right?

They’d suck less if they were all cats.

The real question is: Has anyone checked in on Twitter to see how Burt is taking the news?

Bookmarked! Thanks!

OMG! Little baby kitty feet and giant baby kitty ears!

Jia, thank you for the intro to this man. And for a lot of your posts — I don’t really get a lot of emerging music where I’m at, and I’m always looking for GSTLT (good shit to listen to). I know I can count on you for it!

I’d do him based on the muscular forearms alone. #SorryNotSorry

Did you get the kitty photos?!

That’s the one aspect of her I think they portray so freaking well. That scene in TWS where Steve is cornering her after Fury’s death and asking all kinds of questions you can tell she doesn’t want to answer, and she deflects beautifully: “I know who killed Fury.” Give information, but only the information you want.

I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I love your interpretation. I’ve really come to appreciate the BW character in ways I didn’t think I would when she first came on the scene. And while part of me wishes the backstory they went into in AoU was the backstory they alluded to in the first Avengers movie, I’m OK with

Oh, thank Christ. It was like they were all collectively trying to make me hate them.

I’ve got a good friend who can. Sounds like her thing. We’re on it.

Agreed. This is a Grammys dress. Not a Met Gala dress. She looks great, but not right for the event.

Most women know what an abusive relationship looks/feels like without being told

Or they don’t see what they’re doing as abuse, particularly in the financial/emotional realm. That’s the scary part. They still see themselves as decent people.

Um, I adore all animals and prefer them to most people. Animal stories are always welcome. Congratulations and be sure to post those photos all over Kinja so I can squee appropriately!

It really depends on your age, I think. A good friend of mine is 26 and there was much agonizing over who would be in her wedding party b/c of her cousins and friends. (I told her if she truly loved me she would leave me out of it.) I’m 32, and my friends in their 30s who are getting married really don’t care and the

It’s really my everything, and I love the “come at me bro” look on Mama Kitty’s face.

Ugh. I am so ashamed of my answer, I am depressed BEFORE.