
Yes. He got 12 years for that (his second felony rape/kidnapping), and was released.

To be fair to Missouri, I believe some of those early charges were in Tennessee. /sarcasm

Aw, thanks. I’m just glad they did something with it. I heard about it from the local radio station on my way into work, and it took everything I had not to turn the damn car around, go home, and curl up in the fetal position with wine and cats.

Oh, read more. He got 12 years for locking his daughter in a closet, and raping and kidnapping his estranged wife.

Thanks for covering this.

Agreed. Also explains Denzel Washington’s presence (Hurricane). Boxing has never been my sport so I just don’t get the appeal. Give me college basketball any day.

His upcoming movie “Southpaw” is about a boxer. Promotional appearance.

Some I’d completely expect (lots of actors who have portrayed boxers onscreen, for example), but Claire Danes? Really? C’mon, girl.

Hah! Makes me feel justified in my irrational dislike of the man. :-)

Haha. Wanting to party with Gronk and disliking the Pats are not mutually exclusive. I wouldn’t mind hanging around his party bus for an hour or two and I haven’t liked the Pats since Tom Brady came on board. (Yes, I know he’s the best QB ever — that doesn’t mean I have to like him.)

Is there a list somewhere so I know who to be annoyed with?

Oh, I totally get it and if I had a spare $25K lying around, I may do this on a lark. Although in my heart of hearts I know I am more likely to buy a farm and round up all the death-row puppies and kitties and wear yoga pants. Lifestyles of the wealthy will never cease to amaze me.

Yes. Heaven forbid the plebes who can drop only $10K show up.

...that was a reading comprehension fail on my part, wasn’t it? Thanks for (re)posting. It’s been one hell of a Monday.

That’s... quite a price tag. And explains how these celebs end up going. I was wondering if they actually had to purchase their tickets or if they went free.

So is the Costume Institute / Met Gala something people are invited to? Something people pay to go to? Or something people are invited to and THEN pay to go to?

Ugh. I want her to stab him through the heart so badly, leaning in, whispering in his ear, “This is for my father.” But for that to happen she’d have to know Littlefinger is the reason her father is dead. UGH.

Haha, thanks!

I’m a Midwesterner trying to move to Chicago. Can I still come? (Also, HIRE ME, CHIGAGO HR PEOPLE!) Sigh. I hate job hunting.