Clearly she’s a little unhinged. But there is SOMETHING (another court case) that set her off on this path, and I want to know what it was about.
Clearly she’s a little unhinged. But there is SOMETHING (another court case) that set her off on this path, and I want to know what it was about.
When you do could you please update us? I’m dying to know what actually happened but stopped getting all the PACER Lexis/Nexis accounts when I stopped being a reporter.
Is there any context for this? I mean, she is obviously not pleased, but I have no idea what happened other than she wrote a hilarious brief and actually filed it to court. (My friend who looks at court cases in NYC all day to find crazy stories to write must be so sad this is in Florida and not her area.)
My understanding is we get a lot more of his story in this film (including where the hell he was when SHIELD fell!), so I’m hoping Renner is able to actually display some acting chops. He wasn’t thrilled with how things went in the first Avengers, either, IIRC. His interviews were basically, “I hope I’m not a…
Cannot believe I didn’t comment about Hawkeye as well. I think he’s probably my favorite. I only know the characters from the MCU and not the comics. But he seems like the most badass of them in some ways. I mean, dude’s a human sniper who can kick ass without any gamma-ray superhero powers.
I think ultimately that’s my solution. I’ve never been to a movie alone, so I’m a little shy about it. I know it’s like, the BEST way to watch a movie ever, but I just feel weird about it! It’s kind of like my fear of karaoke. No real basis for it and is seriously something I should just get over. LOL
I have such a dilemma about The Avengers. I’m going to visit a friend of mine in Chicago in June, and seeing it for the first time with her would be SO MUCH FUN! But that’s like, six weeks after the movie comes out. I may just have to go alone (or with my dad), which makes me a little sad. Going with Dad isn’t awful,…
I don’t know why but this gif has struck me as the funniest thing I have seen in forever and I’m crying I’m laughing so hard. Thank you and bless you for sharing.
I am so sorry that happened to you. And I’m sorry your coping mechanism is binging — I’m a binge-eater too and it fucking sucks.
That’s exactly what I was thinking. This reads rebellious American teenager instead of jihadist. I keep going back and forth between “He’s a monster” and “He’s a kid” and I can’t really find a way to reconcile the two thoughts.
I didn’t know they had done that. They are better people than I am, and I am grateful for it. Echoing GinAndTonic’s sentiment: Bless that family.
That last one cracks me up! Also, it’s fairly polite considering the paparazzi is stalking him and putting a camera in his face.
I used to have people yell things from their cars from the ages of about 14-24. I don’t get catcalled anymore since I gained a bunch of weight. I don’t WANT to be catcalled again, because it is demeaning and makes me feel uncomfortable. But being ignored also makes me feel uncomfortable and invisible and ugly. It’s a…
And this branch of the conversation is giving me flashbacks to my English Literary Critism class where we studied Derrida’s essay “Differance” about the shades of meaning in between words (and words that don’t actually exist). Ugh.
I think it is a made-up word and syndrome.
All the hugs for you. Dealing with ill relatives is SO DAMN hard. And I understand wanting to hear, “Just do this and all will be well!” instead of hearing, “Do this and you’ll have a 50 percent chance of feeling 30 percent better.” Good for you for not letting that shit go and getting your relative to listen.
I am absolutely going to hell for the amount of laughter emanating from me based on the headline alone. I’ll see you there!
*surprise. Ugh. I hate it when Kinja won’t let me spell check.
I’ll allow it b/c if I ran into Rihanna I’d probably drop and break my phone out of suprise/excitement.
I didn’t find out I was allergic until after I adopted. No way in hell I was taking them back, so I just take allergy medicine and decongestants and deal with the fact my babies try to lie right on my face when I’m on the sofa watching TV.
I can’t help but feel that these are parents who have their kids in 9,000 other “social obligations,” so I sideye pretty hard that they couldn’t find two hours to be nice to a girl.