
This entire thread is bringing back memories of when I was meaner than I needed to be to kids who needed me to be nicer. (And to be honest, I was one of the kids who was treated meanly a lot and should have known better not to step on others.) The guilt of that stays with you.

LOL I also love Kanye. Yes, his ego is ridiculous, but it’s kind of awesome, too, and the man can bring it when it comes to his craft.

Add another one to the list of people whose movies I like but cannot support anymore. Also, add a bunch of actors who I will be silently judging for continuing to work with him despite his terrible treatment of people. By the time it’s done, the only movies I’ll be able to watch are Disney Pixar.

Haha. I work as a barista on the weekends. Perfect analogy.

I’ve tried things both ways. My default is to try to be pleasant about it, but I’ve tried to be a hardass thinking I may get a better result. I have NEVER gotten a better result being a dick. So I just don’t understand how it works for other people.

I haven’t — I’ve had my car regular towed and that sucked enough.

Well, and what the hell did the woman behind the desk have to do with her car being towed? I can imagine being frustrated at the company, but it’s not like THAT particular woman towed her car. And I understand losing your temper, but the ad hominem attacks are ludicrous.

Eames is the best and has the best lines.

:-) I think most of the best films, movies and TV are considered the best because they, at the heart, grapple with those most basic human struggles, relationships and emotions.

Ah. I am one of the four people in the United States who did not watch 30 Rock.

It works because at the end of the day it’s a story about the complications of family, I think. When you boil it down to its most essential pieces. It’s about family. And we all can appreciate something that shows those complexities in a real and familiar way, even if the setting is totally foreign to us.

I just saw this and am tearing up at my desk. Genuine wonder and love at the bigness of the world is such a lovely quality in people.

But is there even any indication he is good at the sex? Because some men who are that pretty think they do not have to do any work. Which gets them sideye and a boot out of bed, but there you go.

Can I come too? I have a wicker rocking chair!

Last weekend of August, I think. We’ve changed the dates about 12 times, so I’m not entirely sure. I may be a hot mess in Vegas for several weeks before the rest of my party catches up.

Oh, good! It’s one of those things we know is a little pricey, but totally worth it. She’s not doing all kinds of other crazy showers or parties so this is the only thing we’re putting up cash for. We are also getting drunk and going to watch Magic Mike 2 as a group. (My friend and I went to the first one and are

This is what we are doing for my friend’s bachelorette party in August. I CANNOT WAIT.

Full-on brag: I had a baby named after me in 1990. It was supposed to be named after my brother, who had been a very good friend to this kid at school who was having some trouble fitting in. His mom was so grateful she named the baby in honor of our family.

I’d say I can’t wait for hipster culture to die, but I am terrified of what is going to take its place.

OK. When did Coachella become so freaking popular? I remember 20 years ago KROQ giving tickets away, but it was like this small, dirty, little festival. I feel like the last two years it all the sudden became some kind of cultural touchstone, except no one I know outside of the media actually gives a damn about it.