
I work for a nonprofit where we train and place volunteers in classrooms. As a staffer I also have some classroom duties. I was with second graders last week, and I could probably point out the ones who would have a record by 15. If those basic needs aren’t met early, they just can’t catch up. And the worst part is,

They project prison need based on how many third-grade students are reading below level. It’s terrifying what they can predict by how children are when they are young. It’s why making sure kids have a good start in life is so important.

Perhaps we can modify one of these for you! (Sorry — I only know how to make jokes when things are crappy for people and I want them to feel better.)

I agree with the Target suggestion. I have a teal one, a seafoam one and a kelly green one, and they are all roomy, pretty and fun.

Oh, hun. I am glad they found medication for you, and yes, it is scary to be on Xarelto b/c of the lack of antidote, but it has got to be better than the shots. When I was on it I kept a note in my wallet and phone telling people my medications just in case. My dad is on it now and had to go in the hospital, and they

Did it mess with your periods? I was on this and it was working well, but when I got a DVT and had to come off all birth control, I stopped b/c I didn't need a blood clot and crazy periods. But I'm willing to try it again.

Except for homeless dogs and cats. PeTA kills them with abandon because they’re better off dead than as loved companions of humans. Ugh. PeTA is so hypocritical.

Hahah. They all dated redheads during the war, apparently, because I get that, too. (I do have a “vintage face” if that makes any sense, so it doesn’t really bother/surprise me.)

Fair enough. I just figure I’m not going to change their minds before they die, so why cause a scene? I’d rather save my fighting for people I’m going to have to deal with for the next 50 years.

Ask and ye shall receive, A.saur.

Wait, what? How did that get by me for the last few years?

Agreed in most cases. I make exceptions in my annoyance for men who look like they served in World War II.

Poor kid. That shit hurts like a motherfucker.

Not to mention, “getting to fuck up” doesn’t mean that people just say, “Oh, it’s OK you said all this horrible shit about overweight women / women in general / African-Americans / Jewish women. We know you don’t MEAN it.” When I fuck up IRL, there are consequences. I have to make apologies and take whatever lumps

My friend and I were talking about this last night, and my exact comment was, “I feel the reaction would have been different if Lindy was still writing for Jez.”

What the... Wow. “Yeah, bro! Hitting women is hilarious!” What a dick.

My friend and I were just discussing this last night. I hadn’t read much about what the tweets said, but damn. When she emailed them to me I was seriously shocked that the Jezebel staff her is brushing off any criticism of him so cavalierly.

Or the new PR team that told him to keep his shirt on in photos is doing a DAMN good job keeping it out of the press.

Excellent question. No idea. I watch it on Netflix but don’t really keep up. They kind of lost me plot wise in the last season anyway.