
No story on Nina Dobrev leaving The Vampire Diaries and the collective Internet meltdown? I don’t know how much crossover 1D and TVD has, but fans of both must be about ready to wrap it up and stay in bed for a month.

Good. Lord. Thanks for the explainer. I missed that somehow.

...there was probably a perfectly viable story two feet away from this one,...

I’d also add that when Jezebel does include its longer-form articles, there appears to be an effort to reach everyone in the story. Not everyone responds, of course, but I’m thinking of a story written about Steubenville a while ago, that was long and complicated, but you at least had several instances of “We reached

At this point, it’s not just about ego. It’s about being sued. There’s a big lawsuit coming surrounding this article, and everyone is scrambling to say, “Sorry we fucked up!” without admitted any liability that could be used in court to collect damages.

Damn commenting time delay!

I didn’t see your ETA until after I wrote something. Sorry.

Ederly did fuck up. But that’s why you have editors and fact checkers and other fail safes to make sure you get the story right. This isn’t like the case of Stephen Glass or Jayson Blair, where the reporter was blatantly making shit up and then falsifying reporter notes to cover it. Here, the notes did not exist at

Hugs! I ended up with a DVT last year at 31, and it completely freaked me out. The good thing to remember is, the doctors caught it, know what it is, and have a plan of action.

I do this whether I have drinks or not. It’s exhausting and is partly why I don’t hang out with new people, like, ever. Sadly, all my regular people live far away.

32 yo here. For the last year or so, I’ll typically have a glass or two of wine, one martini or a beer or two 3-4 times a week. Every once in a great while I’ll end up drinking an entire bottle of wine by myself on a Monday, while watching Netflix or Skyping with my friends who live elsewhere. It’s mostly by accident

I’m coming to this conversation way late, but super big hugs to you for working to have a healthier relationship with food.

  1. The guy who ran the show Punk’d is now a part of the neighborhood watch. Sigh. There has to be some kind of irony in this.

OMG. Obsessed with Goo Goo Dolls in the 90’s. A Boy Named Goo is a GREAT album. Yes. Pop rock, whatever. I liked them better when they had more rock to them, but any band that can make it past one-hit wonder status is doing something right.

See? You get it. I do not understand music snobbery at all. Do I think they write the most world-changing music? Of course not, but it’s singable and the lyrics are all right and it’s largely fun music! And I dare anyone going through a breakup to listen to “Bed of Lies” or “Rest Stop” and not cry.

That was just the saddest tweet. April Fool’s Day! I deny myself all tasty things so I can be this caricature of a human.

That song is everything. I don’t care it’s not cool. I heard Matchbox 20’s “Long Day” on a Nashville radio station ca. 1995 and I am still a fan of their stuff. Come at me, haters.

My parents and brother.

I hear you, HairFlip. I was on the coasts for high school college, and early 20s. I moved back here and everyone's big dream is to pop out kiddos and have a lawn to mow. And at 26 strangers would ask how I got so old and yet unmarried.