
That's awesome! I'll definitely consider it. I've never liked the idea that I really have no idea how to defend myself, or take a punch.

This is working wonders to erase those horrific cheating stories I was reading from my brain.

Well now I just want you to teach me Tae Kwan Do. (I think my 30s may be a little old to start, though?)

I'm really happy (although not surprised) your life was better without him, and that you have such great perspective!

What is it about Thanksgiving? That's when I found out, too. First time I had ever made a Thanksgiving dinner and he never came home for it. Bastard.

Winner. Close second is the woman with two kids who called the bar and the bartender addressed her by another woman's name.

Oh my God. Now I want to kill HIM instead of my ex. (I was going to post my story but it turns out my story really isn't all that bad compared to the shit you and others went through.)

I'm sorry, Ellie, but it appears you have left out my favorite tabloid, US Weekly. I will boycott Midweek Madness until it makes a return. Love, Hntrss13

The only man I ever loved who said he loved me back was cheating on me for at least a year, possibly the entire time we were dating. That was five, six years ago and I'm STILL in therapy for it. Nothing is worse than looking at a face you know so well and seeing nothing you recognize.

Even on work communications. If the details are only pertinent to one person, ONLY SEND IT TO ONE PERSON YOU CRAZY BITCHES.

OMG. Meet everyone on one of the advisory boards I work with. Reply All on everything. Including, "Good idea!" and "Thanks, Jim!"

My last few sexins were so long ago I forgot what it's like. There's a difference between sex and meetings?

I found falling out of love was by far more painful and question-spawning for me.

In Chicago when I visit, my baristas have been a variety of races, often depending on the area of the city in which I get said coffee.

That video's seriously... terrible. You used the right word. I've had nothing but great experiences with the baristas pretty much everywhere I've been. But it definitely gives an interesting perspective on how the employees are perceived.

When I worked in NYC I definitely noticed the racial disparity between the people serving the coffee at, say, Grand Central, and the people who were receiving the coffee. (Baristas were mostly people of color — coffee drinkers mostly white.)

He's about to become a medical miracle. Which will certainly become the name of his next EDM track that he produces with Missy Elliot.

Right? Like, NO ONE CARES IF YOU FIND HER ATTRACTIVE SEXUALLY. All you need to say is, "She's a lovely and beautiful co-star and I'm so happy I got to work with her!" Done. Sigh, My excellent PR skills are being wasted convincing people to do good things for kids.

Devil's advocate: If you are reaching for something (a bag, for example) that is underneath a table, it can look like you have your nose on the table.

I saw Once Upon a Time first and I thought he was charismatic there. (Also, when did that show get so blah? I mean, it started out with him basically being a sex slave of the Evil Queen! Super weird and a little dark (not Grimm dark, but still some shadowy edges), and now it's SO BORING!)