
Today is my first day home from vacation. Between this news, the fact I have to work tonight and the 8,000 bills I can't pay that came in the mail while I was away, I may run away permanently.

Every time I see her my brain goes, "Holy Shit Jennifer Connelly hasn't aged at all!," and it takes me a very long time to realize that they are two separate people separated by at least 20 years.

Not sure... I think it's a mutt, or is supposed to be a mutt. I'd try to take a guess, but guesses on breeds of mixed dogs are only 25 percent correct — and that's when vets and shelter professionals are guessing!

Obviously they didn't mean HIM! They meant all those other black people. /sarcasm

Awww, thank you! I felt kind of bad hijacking the Dirt Bag comments, but sometimes I need a Monday Morning Social as much as a Saturday Night one. I feel there needs to be a feature on Monday mornings of things that are hilarious/adorable so we can start the week right.

Oh my God, YES. I equally love him and Paul Newman. I love me some modern stars, but those two men pretty much are the pinnacle of handsome for me. Swoon.

Jane, you are truly doing God's work today.

It's things like this that make me realize just how much I love the Jezebel commentariat. You all are the best!

Yes, yes they do. Wow. I had no idea so many of these existed. That concerned corgi/terrier is adorable, and holy biceps on the man behind it.

Gorgeous. That Pratt photo helps me see why he makes everyone swoon. (His marriage is too cute for me to really lust after him, but goodness gracious I would love to be his best friend and hang out and have him tell me positive things about myself.)

Yes!!! I was waiting for this man to show up. It's been quiet on the Hiddleston beat since Burt left. I feel we need to do a better job of picking up the slack. Holy Christ that man has perfect cheekbones.

Yum. Yeah, I'm now seeing the error of my plan. I am enjoying refreshing this thread much too much!

Oh, yes. I am an equal opportunity hot men with animals photos appreciator. See Exhibit A:

OMG. Really hope this pulls you out of the greys. This is 100 percent beautiful.

Ooh, what is this from?

This is appropos of nothing, but I'm tired, I'm cranky, and I'm working my ass off to try to make it to vacation tomorrow. Can we please have a hot men and puppies comment thread to start the day? Between the fact it is Monday, the DST hangover, the packing till 3 a.m., and the number of emails I have to return to

Sorry, man. It is the signal for sunburn season for me. The death knell for my ability to walk outside like a normal person.

I feel like I haven't see you around in a while! (Or maybe we're just commenting on different stories!) This morning may be shitty, but it is nice to see you!

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. LOL I sadly like a few of his songs and it pains me to admit it every single time, because he just seems like such a douche.