
Hahahaha. You know how your give your animals voices? Like in "The Incredible Journey"? My cat Oberon totally has the voice of Tummy Bear.

I really think that this is why they were so freaking good. They really took a lot from high-brow culture — Greek and Egyptian mythology, H.G. Wells' "Journey to the Center of the Earth," Shakespeare, etc. and got kids exposed to ideas they may not have seen otherwise, or at least would not have seen until much later.

No joke, Ducktales helped spark my lifelong love of Shakespeare. There was an episode where the team went looking for the lost play of William Drakespeare, and they ended up on an island full of characters from Shakespeare plays.

God I am such a sap but I want to hug every single one of these children and to tell them to never let the world get to them and to always play the damn xylophone and live life with this much heart.

I thought the screenwriter's mention of his own suicide attempt was really brave. The way he talked about it I got the feeling he wasn't really planning on sharing it until he did, which makes it even more powerful to me.

His emotional response was jarring in its sincerity.

More wine is ALWAYS the correct answer, my friend.

Boredom?! Meryl and JLo are besties cheering for women's equality! Lady Gaga didn't butcher Julie Andrews music! I am really drunk!

I think we should talk about this forever. I am so damn impressed/happy for her.

It looked like the bridesmaid version of the dress she wore when she won the Oscar years ago. A pink monstrosity.

You go Gaga. I have a love/hate relationship with you, but you are killing it on this, and I freaking love Julie Andrews more than life.

Yes, he is a tuxedo and I believe they are the doggiest of all the cats. (No offense to Team Cat, btw.) My girl just came in to check on me to make sure I was alive to feed her and clean the box. (Apparently I also got her with my red lipstick tonight — she did not just kill something.)

I wanted a dog SO BAD and couldn't have one in the apartment I chose. I wasn't even going to get him, but they were both in the same cage and after I read their details, I found out they came form the same house and had been in the shelter six months together. I looked over in the cage, and they were cleaning each

My other cat, Titania, is on my bed plotting my death. Obie is basically a dog wrapped in a cat's body. He'll put up with ANYTHING if he thinks he'll get some love and food at the end of it.

Yes, I liked my own post. My cat is awesome and puts up with a lot of shit.

The red isn't showing up on digital very well! This is one spot of about 4. Obie is very patient with his drunk mama.

Hell yes, Patricia Arquette! I shamelessly loved you on "Medium" and thank you for rewarding my dedication with being fucking awesome.

The pasta is FUCKING AMAZING. Thank you all for the suggestion. It is doing the job in a way popcorn never could.

Whelp, according to the official Oscar drinking game, we should all be out of booze. American Sniper has won 2 now. Bottoms up, y'all!

I don't care what work this woman has or hasn't had done. GIRL LOOKS GOOD.