
Not trying to make light of this, but I also don’t understand that level of energy... I’m pretty exhausted a lot of the time just dealing with actual problems that directly affect me. I don’t understand how people get so worked up about insane, make-believe shit that doesn’t make any impact on their lives.

... so, we don’t just put our bras on before we get ready? Was that... was that just me?

I mean, to defend business leaders a bit, this is also not how you run a business.

Now the shit pudding can hit the fan - if the sale of his hedge fund to the Chinese collapses, it proves his appointment was motive for a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violation. If the sale goes through , but for one cent less than the previously announced $90million, it proves the same, because he’d be accepting

It really is sad. Most of the kids who are trafficked/victims of DV have experienced early exposure to sexual situations in their homes. This kind of thing makes me rage.

Kink-shaming is the biggest first world white people problem. It’s ridiculous.

Watching pacifist Jimmy Carter just go apeshit on Trump would be immensely gratifying

Involving children in sex play is not a kink, it’s a crime. What consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is none of my business. Making children part of your sex life is disgusting and the very start of grooming. GTFO with your “kink-shaming” idiocy.

Yup, partner-swapping with consenting adults is not my business. Involving children in your sex play and I find out about it? ‘Hello CPS? Come get these children.’ ‘Hello, police, come arrest these perverts’. Not all sexual preferences are ok. I’m completely comfortable kink-shaming this shit.

child abuse is not an acceptable kink.

Darkest Timeline Update: The Boy Scouts of America is now apologizing for the President’s lunatic behavior.

The president must be assured that when he reaches for a pussy, he grabs a pussy. Ya know what I’m say’n?

She just wasn’t ready for him to be home all the time.

Once your dick stops working you have to find someway to fuck other people over.

It was getting really out of hand. Staff at GOSH were getting death threats, the abuse was affecting other parents trying to visit their sick children. I really hope this doesn’t become a trend because NHS staff put up with enough abuse as it is.

The couple said they had wanted to give Charlie a real chance of getting better and that a “whole lot of time has been wasted.”

Unfortunately, it sounds like they’re blaming GOSH for not being able to start the experimental treatment earlier when, by most accounts the treatment wouldn’t have been able to help no matter when he received it.

I am saying this in absolute seriousness- try sucking a dick. Everyone should at least once.

There’s so much negativity, and sometimes outright hatred wrapped up in female sexuality. A male comic can’t not talk about his dick, but a female comic talking about her vagina and suddenly she’s being edgy just to get laughs or is considered downright gross. I remember my friend’s girlfriend discovering amy schumer

I’ll say I don’t mind hearing this from POC, but I’ve had WHITE DUDES tell me to get my white ladies in line. 70% of college educated white men voted for Trump. 70%! As always, women have twice the criticism and work twice as hard. Arghhh.