
But those are such complete basic ingredients? how are they recipe specific?’

Yeah, like, come on people, it’s a portable snack? Celery stalks are great!

Yes. Arguably more reliable than the floppy human version.

Totally! My daughter (2.5 yo) does it all the damn time. It’s not sexual at all, just feels nice for her. We’re talking a lot about how she should do it in her room and not on the couch or in public, though.

Haha, I can believe that! Especially as Trumps keeps contradicting people who lie to cover his ass...

Also, does anyone think these morons would be able to lie consistently? They may attempt, but I don’t think they’re capable of a competent cover up...

Deals - as in actual corporate deals are so insanely boring. Months of due diligence and trawling through documents. $$$ on lawyers and advisors and discussions about remote scenarios and teeny clauses in contracts and TRUMP HAS NO FUCKING CLUE. He never makes deals. Never has. He swoops in for a handshake and signing

Aaah Meryl Streep as Indiana Jones PERFECTION (stunned silence)

Totally. What so many people fail to understand is how utterly discriminated against Roma people are in countries like Romania and Bulgaria where they are technically citizens, but absolutely not treated as such. The EU has a big issue with funds earmarked specifically for Roma communities which is NOT CLAIMED by

It’s a weird feeling, right? Where I grew up in the early 90s we had loads of full-on nazis. There was NEVER any subtlety. Which at least made them easy to avoid.

Lots of review sites demand at least 1 star to be able to post a review. And apparently another review said the toddler did a shit on the floor on a separate occasion. That’s your 1-star benchmark. A butthole display and some yodelling? Definitely deserves more than one star. 😉

Glad it’s not just mine! She’ll do a full cheek spread and happily announce “NO POOP” but we’ve also made it clear that’s only ok in the house.

I hate that it’s expected for me to conform. The actual use of it is s bit meh, but it can be fun for dress up with the toddler. I make a great dragon with scales drawn with eyeliner 😉

Well, I guess it depends?

You can do both. Completely excluding taking a stand on personal issues, by for example wishing the author above refrained from the encouraging remarks re medically unnecessary surgery, is also important.

It’s more that I’m not making a choice at all, since I want to not have to alter myself.

Yeah, as always of course this isn’t all black and white. Wearing green lipstick and makeup as an artistic endeavour is different than having to comply with specific expectations regarding looks or seeing my career harmed. Because all my male colleagues do is put on a suit and get a haircut once in a while. Especially

You add more nuance to my argument - and I’m really not the kind of extremist who shouts at my friends who wear heels (or even had cosmetic surgery).

Is it not? How do you know?

But the key issue is that almost no one has a complete separation between what a misogynistic society expects and what you think you want. We all perpetuate the misogyny.