Of course they’re attractive. That’s a hiring requirement. Too bad we can’t do that in the US, huh?
Of course they’re attractive. That’s a hiring requirement. Too bad we can’t do that in the US, huh?
And there’s the kink shaming.
There is nothing masculine about hurting women.
Shit are they supposed to last that long
Subtitles and closed captioning aren’t the same thing.
His mother famously wanted the grisly pictures of her son’s murder to be published so the world would know the barbarism of the American south. Now of course we must hide those pictures and pretend nothing happened in fear of triggering white people.
The switch is region free. :)
This country is filled to the brim with poor kids from broken homes. Very few steal cars and kill people.
Hikari... Light. Inazuma.... Lighting. Azora... ???
Yes, an 18 year old having sex with his 17 year old girlfriend is equally as horrific as a taxi driver raping an unconscious woman in the backseat. Context is irrelevant. Keep fighting the good fight.
FYI they stand to the left on escalators in Osaka.
No, that’s why doctors simply schedule c-sections.