
Thank you for this rare, fair, reasonable response!

This kind of thing really makes me wish we had faster than light (FTL) travel. Think about it...

I don't use water in my airlocks. I use a relatively flavorless, drinkable (so NOT rubbing) alcohol. It helps keep things sterile.

I thought about that and it doesn't look like it to me. If it was, then these would get stuck to your clothes when you try to get off of them.

You can always leave. It's a choice you make, staying here with us dirty humans.

Meh... A couple seconds with a propane torch is all you need. If you know how to solder, that's even more time saved as you 'solder' on the butter at the same time you toast it with the torch.

There doesn't seem to be anything that holds them in place. Get a little to vigorous and OOPS! I toss and turn in my sleep and usually don't sit still.

The pronunciation is a little off, but the end result similar.

That's an important -key- point. Now I won't bother testing it since I know it doesn't integrate with GV. Thank you.

15 & shy... I remember those days... a, um, while back. :) It's OK. I remember when I was about 17. I had a female doctor giving the full exam, including checking things 'down there'. I was lying on the table, fully exposed, when her assistant walked in - the doc's hot 16yo daughter. Ya, THEN I was embarrassed!

I had that conversation (without as much of the negative stuff, but it was there) a couple years ago. I now eat better (less meat, but still eating meat; more fruits n veggies; less sugary crap; almost no soda or other HFCS-containing junk) and get more activity (walking about 5 miles per day- to and from work, plus

Really? Never bothered me. I've had male and female doctors and I've never had an issue with a professional doing their job to help me be healthy.

Maybe she's an android? Could have its benefits...

Indeed! A great article.

I'd second that. That's about the only government donation I can think of that I'd be willing to make.

I want a hi-res copy of the 3rd pic for my PC's background. Very nice.

Great question and my thoughts as well. Anyone have an answer?

I love my TiVo HD. Unfortunately, Charter hates it. They told em they were compatible with Cable Cards when I asked before buying the TiVo- they said yes. I bought it right away and installed it. Three months of Charter techs and contractors later, it worked. Off and on. They finally realized they changed their

One piece of shrimp scampi coming up!

Oops.... Been a little longer than that. Thank you! And we bought this one so we didn't have to deal with our ID10 slum-lord who never maintained anything around the house we rent from her.