
Well, not all hackers speak English or use an English dictionary for the attack. On the other hand, you ARE using 19 characters, so ya, you're good.

It isn't that it shorted the wires out. It's the weight of the deer pulling the wire down a bit that caused a connector to trip. We had the problem when I lived in S.E.Texas. A heavy storm would roll through and a branch would land on a wire. The weight of it would be enough to trip the automatic shut-off, but not

I didn't- until you mentioned it. Now my smile is even bigger!

Or just bolt it to the wall, which is frequently an off-white, but who cares the color as long as it helps make the scribbling easy to see.

I love the Internet... I'm not weird here! I too need it cold to sleep. Most of the year, I run my single-room ac- to the chagrin of my girlfriend. But it's OK; I enjoy keeping her warm.

Sounds reasonable- but still cool under the circumstances.

Sweet! What area code??

That's so cool. I love gadget history. :D

I liked how, in the HUD, "ALT" was flashing constantly. For those who might not know, that's short for 'altitude' and its flashing is telling him he has almost none and should seriously consider pulling the hell up.

I prefer Heron of Alexandria, but Da Vinci is definitely one of the greats.

Man! This crap happens to me all the time- probably because I don't trust my bigger ideas- but I thought of this years ago. I just didn't think I could pull it off. I hope it works!

Not much louder than some of the bikes. While I do agree that 'loud pipes save lives', there is a limit- and some of the crotch-rocket guys are way beyond it!

Let's see... What's that phrase? ROFLMFAO!!

The part of the video where it was reaching out to the magnets and even engulfing them was kinda freaky. It's ALIVE!!! Hehehe

I'll have to give this a whirl at work. I don't have to do this very often (thankfully), but when I do, it is a pain. This just might make life easier.

I think the idea is to automate your connections to save battery juice. But I also prefer to do it myself.

"Has anybody ever looked at the pool of "available" money versus the target demographics of said money, and subtracted the funds not available to the general student population without special restriction? I wonder what that number would look like. "

As an American, I should defend us... but you're generally right. Sure, there are some good micro-brews, but most of our beer is junk. It's amazing how I can drink all the wonderful bears like Guinness and such and have it come out looking like (probably tasting like) an American beer.

There is LESS to this than meets the eye. Internet and postal merchants have always been required to collect sales tax from purchasers who are in states where the merchant maintains an office or warehouse. This is just a minor expansion of that.

"Wait... Don't die yet.. Let me get through the first part of the flowchart so I can begin helping you... DUDE! You're f'n bleeding all over the place! Could you put you hand over the wound for a moment and hold back the bleeding while I look up how to stop the bleeding?!? Jeeze, man! I'm trying to help here!!"