
No loss. These mobile homes practically invite fires- at least the older ones do. My pop was, long, long ago, a volunteer fireman out in the sticks where we used to live, down in TX. Mobile homes everywhere! And those were the fires that scared the guys the most! Light a match at one end and see the other end

"Mi pene una espada de fuego del poder!" One of my favorite things to say in Spanish. Needless to say, I am still single.

That's because Giz needs talent as much as Chapman does. What she does have that Giz doesn't is looks.

Wait... That sounds like you're making quesadillas with the moldy spots you cut off. Do you have mescaline with it, too? (I kid because the cheese mold is generally not so bad for you.)

You might want to refrain from mentioning your girlfriend in conversations about mold. It could easily be misconstrued!

Ditto! Except for cheese- I knew that part.

That is, of course, right. Like the commercials, I kept it short and simple. People's Internet Attention Span (IAP™) is pretty lo....

Yep, pretty much my thoughts... especially after having used a .. um.. few of these.

Quite true, though it is REALLY disturbing when the side effects are the SAME as what they're supposed to be fixing. Things like anti-gas meds giving you cramps and anti-depressants causing suicide. Just weird.

Once again, the Germans almost wipe out mankind! (I kid!!)

I can anecdotally vouch for this information as it looks like it covered my city and general area as I expected. A certain part of my town is where most of the bad stuff happens.

I travel a bit and love it. Tipping has been one of the interesting little details of my adventures. I tip well for the aforesaid reasons- I know I'll be back because I was treated well and I want to continue to be treated well. So it becomes a habit to tip nicely for proper service. Then I start spending time

"Out of cheese error"?? Thank you for today's laugh!

I second that. My friend needs LOTS of help there. He's made the decision, but just can't commit to doing the papers.

I think I remember what an iron is... it's that hot metal plate used to burn wrinkles out of clothing... right? Hehehe I've been really good at avoiding clothes that need to be ironed since my uniform days way back when.

While I agree with many that this seems more than a little wasteful, it does server one valid purpose- it gets through security at the airport better than a family-sized bottle of sunscreen.

Wear it in front.


Just don't cross the streams?

Pretty cool and I would certainly consider buying them if priced right.