
No kidding! This kind of thing makes me wish I was a high-school kid again! Back in 1981 0r '82, I built a laser- fully functional, pop balloons- for my Jr.High science fair and, back then, people thought I was either ahead of my time or nuts. Turns out, I'm kinda nuts.

Not Irish or British... I'm quite familiar with the Irish, Scottish, and English accents and passingly familiar with that of Wales. I can see how people mistake it for such, though. It's basically a mix of Irish, English, and something like Swedish/Danish. As the doc said in the interview, it is an imprecise change

I've never had a problem with a reclining seat hitting my knees (5'9"). It's that little touch of claustrophobia that sometimes gets in the way. While I've mostly done away with it, I just hate having anything that close to my face without an invite. On the other hand, I know it'll happen when I fly in an airborne

Not HIPPA. That has to do with privacy and protecting personal data. It might be ADA- Americans with Disabilities Act.

Nicely done, though not really complete. I did this back in school using GIS and, alongside what they used here, I also included heavy snow, flooding, forest/grass fire, and tsunami risk. That pretty much made the country look unlivable! Pretty much, but not quite. On the other hand, I didn't match it to city or

So, DE+FINITE makes it no longer finite, therefore infinite? Wait... huh? :D

The USB hack is a great idea. You can use this with ANY of the ports on your PC/laptop/Mac/DVD player/etc. Think of it as a laptop dock for your desk. Extension cables are available for most, if not all, of the ports on a computer or media player, so this allows you to put the device where you want it and still

Absolutely! I used it (am using it, more like) to make myself happier and .... avoided ECT!!! I literally practice being happy, having 'happy thoughts', smiling even if it's fake. It soon takes hold in my mind that I actually AM happy. Don't do this to avoid actual emotions, but use it for those moments when you

Hmmm.. Nice idea and I shall try it out. What i want is an app like this that does this for GMail, SMS/Google Voice, and the calls.

Honestly, I prefer my ライス長官は豚を供給 (rice-fed hog; translated by Google)- a Yamaha V-Star 1300 Tourer. Great bike from a reliable maker.

As others have already said, if an app I installed did this to me, it would be promptly removed and rated very, very negatively.

That's better than @TendoMentis ▲above▲ who is apparently turned on by it.

Thanks. I always look forward to enjoying my breakfast a second time.

The three times bit is a safety thing. You can say divorce once or twice in a sentence, even if actually threatening to do it, and have it mean nothing in the long run. The idea here is that in saying it three times, you actually mean it, you really want it. This '3X' meme shows up all over the place.

If it's on a credit card, kill that card. If it's auto-pay from you bank, change banks. It's the only way I've seen work.

Thank you! You beat me to it with your concerns.

How many iterations of the edited file are kept? If it's 10, make 11 edits, starting with emptying the file and filling it with junk. :) Then there is no need to trust that this 'permanently delete' tool actually totally deletes everything.

This is really fascinating, and quite personal to me.

There was some really dumb movie about a volcano in Los Angeles, near Wilshire.

That's by design. It's to help keep the planet 'on station' in its orbit around the sun. However, it will likely still shift the earth's angle and rotation, so we'll still have plenty of disaster to deal with.