
Like @Babyfroz above? ▲

Quite a brilliant idea! How long before you have the plug-in posted? I want it!

You're right about why they do it. It sucks, but they need the revenue. However, there is frequently a 'print view' link that gives you the entire article for this purpose. Another way is a plug-in I saw once, long ago, that looks for that 'next' link and appends the next page onto the one you're viewing. Pretty

My head hurts

I thought you were a real geek until I saw the shower on you schedule.

Ah- I was wondering if anyone else was having trouble. For me, most of the videos (that I've tried) work. ALL the 'College Humor' vids open the pop-up and then... nothing. And yes, it's been happening ever since Gawker changed to this new ~crappy~ format.

For the apps (iPhone, Android, etc) PLEASE give a blurb about the app! The links are crap so I have to look them up on my phone or Google them.

Somehow I don't think the binder clip would be good for my smart-phone. Isn't that where we put our lists now, instead of printing them out wastefully?

Woohoo! I'm moving to Finland!

RE Thought #1:

Easy: to compete against Apple's Command Key.

BINGO! If this were a contest, you'd win!!

Except that the old design actually worked- all the time, every time. Not even close with this new design.

Interesting. And my first thought was to create a dystopian-future type story based here. In this case, perhaps the city is sinking into the mud from which it sprang. :D

I grew up reading while watching TV. My mother always did this. Of course, now she's playing some on-line dungeon hack, or other on-line game, while watching TV, but not socializing. I ~wish~ she would socialize more, face-to-face- the same thing many of us say about our kids. But this business of having multiple

Why virtual? Build a real aquarium out of 5 (or even 6) of these things and add to the entertainment!

Interesting... I think I sense a Photo Shop contest coming....

It's really interesting to see information on this coming out now. Just a few months ago, I met a lovely lady (now very dear to me) who is 'face-blind'- in other words, she has prosopagnosia. (FF spell-check wants to make this 'procrastinate' or 'propagandist'. hehehe)

In the person I know, the face is just not processed. Therefore, it's neither attractive or unattractive.

I'm so glad you beat me to the correction! You did a MUCH better ~funnier~ jab than I would have.