
I just added the mobile version to my iGoogle home page. Works like a charm and is everywhere I want to be... or find myself... so long as I have access to the Internet. Since Apple/AT&T won't let the iPhone have an app for GV, I just keep that page bookmarked on my iPhone's homepage. Doesn't have push, but that's

PDF-Xchange looks good, with lots of options and tools... Which is why I went with Sumatra, my other choice. I needed something super-simple and super-lite for an older thin client that couldn't handle Adobe Reader and Sumatra is it.

Very cool. Now, if it would auto-recognize if the USB was plugged into Linux, Windows, or Mac, and run only the compatible menu so you can only run the compatible portable software, you'd have the Master Key(tm)! And since I'm asking for the moon, I'll throw a bit of the sun in there too: may as well make it

@Torley: I have to agree with tali3sin. I've been using Imagebam for a few years now and I love the upload features and the utter lack of limits on the number of files you can have. I only have two complaints (minor) with Imagebam. My pictures a re a little larger than 3MB, so I have to resize them before uploading

I understand the impetus for this, but I agree with many of the detractors. Bookmarklets just cannot do all that a plugin can. I was about to give it the big 'meh' since none of the bookmarklets even looked interesting to me, but then I noticed a gem in the rough: download as PDF. That is a cool bookmarklet and is

@RoFLKOPTr: I almost have to try it... My name is Hunter. On the other hand, I am heartily offended by someone sticking that little 'i' thingy onto my name!

@Duane: Bingo! I like how you think. A new GMail account and a limited account on the Linux box. Still doesn't give you 100% security, but it helps.

@xrmb: That's wonderful. Unfortunately, my cat doesn't like the sisal. He completely ignores that and goes for the carpeting on the other parts of the cat-post.

@Dabbler: I use Outlook because certain functions are better handled in it. The calendar and contacts are the two most obvious functions I prefer in Outlook. As much as I love Thunderbird (use at home in Linux), I must use Outlook at the office by mandate and even TB isn't as good as Outlook for the calendar. Why

@24fc: You're so very right! I've tried it a couple times and, like most of these so-called productivity enhancements to Outlook, it was promptly removed.

Now this is amusing! I've been using this very method for three years now. I have an old wire basket 'in-box' that I dump papers in that I might need to save. Come January (well, OK, February), I sort through it and shred what I know I don't need and keep the minimum critical items like like auto registration

Last year, I decided it was time to buy new sheets. I hate shopping for two reasons: a) I just hate shopping b) I hate making decisions on what to buy when it's something I'll use long-term and really need, a real pain to me.

@annexgb: Back when I was a newly independent IT consultant, I had trouble drumming up business. A successful consultant I subcontracted for told me to increase my rate (the numbers basically involved quadrupling my rate). My business increased drastically! What a scam! I later closed shop and went back to school,

@hnkelley: Oh, the Gladinet is not yet compatible with the new Sky Drive.

Hmmm... This could be just the thing... Not counting my DVD backups and S/W, I have about 44GB to back up. That's documents, all my photos, all my music. Pretty cool.

That's pretty cool. Accurate enough to get the right idea for the languages I tested... except Hungarian. It detects Hungarian, but then does nothing, not even an error message (which is what I expected because apparently, nobody speaks it except Hungarians and I guess I'm the only one who talks to them).

Oh, and the program opens a web page damn near every time I do something. I told it not to when it asked to go to their site at the end of the install, but it did anyway. Happened a couple other times (don't remember what it was I was doing with it, but it DIDN'T involve a web link) and, of course, it did when I

I can't say it's any better than the other FREE utilities I use. I'll be uninstalling it. One funny: it declared a few items as security risks that are known-safe items such as ActiveSync and Trend Micro AntiVirus.

@skrutop: I've actually told a friend to do that very thing, with the unfortunate addition of ditching the horrible wife. He's agreed to the need for the divorce, but has trouble moving forward with it. The harder part is getting him to accept that, to go to school and get a better job (actual career), he has to go