
LOL AndrewVos's works properly now. On his blog (and in an email to me) he mentioned a DLL that was missing. So, having resolved that, I'll be able to test and see if the program serves my above stated purpose. :) Oh, and it takes up just over 1MB, so I'm not concerned at all about it being a memory hog. I'll

@hnkelley: BTW, an important thing to note about AndrewVos's tool is that he states clearly that he developed this on Vista 64 and has not tested it elsewhere, so I expected it to fail on my system.

Well, I've tried both at home on my laptop and at the office on my Dell desktop. Both systems are XP Pro-SP2, fully up to date. The DeskDrive software seems to be kind of a kludge in that it has its own timer (default seems to be 4 seconds) for polling the ports. Some have said this program is a memory hog and runs

@psr: For most people, this isn't all that helpful, depending on their style of usage. However, some might like it and others (me) have a possible use for it: the public PCs at work. We have these things pretty well locked down and only allow access to a select few drives (D:\ for the CD and F:\ for the USB). I'd

I voted for the BCC idea, though I kinda like all three. It's been mentioned that these notes sound passive-aggressive, hostile, or unprofessional. Well, so what? I have told all my friends and other contacts nicely, politely, even lovingly, that, if they must send me that stupid, er, I mean, cute email when they

hmmm... very interesting idea. I like it, but it isn't quite powerful enough for me, I think. I was hoping for something that might pars the body of the message and either use that for the command itself, or use that as the variables for the command. Oh well... back to using the AIM/Oscar SMS-IM method (that I

I'll second... wait, I'll 100000th the contact manager.

I've something just under 1000 bookmarks, synced via Foxmarks across two PCs. Maybe I'm getting old, but I don't know anything about 'social bookmarking'. I mean, they're my bookmarks, some of which are private (various research projects, links to financial login pages), so why would I want to share them? And if

I'm with JoeyJellyDonut... I use Thunderbird with thw Webmail plugin. GMail is via IMAP, then there are Hotmail, Yahoo, Maildotcom, and the ever-so-important Outlook Web Access for my work account. All this mixed with the Lightening calendar plugin and Provider for two-way GCal support and it's ~almost~ perfect.

The MS site for the hive cleanup tool (referenced in the comments at the CNet site linked here) tries to load the MS Genuine Check tool... an old version. So now I can't get the hive tool! Ass hats! (MS, that is)

Hmmm... Didn't somebody say 'no limits'? Foldershare keeps telling me 'Too many file' and not letting me set up a sync point. Ya, so I really want that Dropbox invite now. :(

Wow... all these people asking for an invite to the Dropbox beta have me feeling bad for asking for one, too. But not bad enough to stop me from asking! Anyone have a Dropbox invite they can spare, please? no1home {at} mail dot com. Thanks!

I've had great success with this, though none at all lately. These days, all my flying is international, with someone waiting at the other end, so I hesitate to take this opportunity. Also, it seems it's been offered a LOT LESS lately.

There is a lot to love about Thunderbird, and it all has to do with its extensibility. But there are some changes I'd like to see. Truth be told, I'd like it to work a lot more like Outlook (please don't shoot me; I like the look and feel of Outlook, when it isn't bricking), but with some key changes.

The project I've been contemplating (this is a bad habit of mine: contemplation, rare construction, but anyway) is a variation of the picture frame idea. Essentially, it would show a web page (local) with frames. One frame would be my G-Cal, another a to-do list. The main frame would be multi-purpose: picture slide

I doubt this would work for me (but I hope I'm wrong). I use a NAS at home and have had trouble with its security setup. The easy thing would be to use Lockbox to hide that a specific folder and see if other network users can still see or access it. At home, I'm the only advanced user and only one likely to ever

I used to use YPOPs a long time ago, then it stopped working correctly. I imagine this new version is good, but T-Bird and WebMail have fixed this for me. :) Webmail works with AOL (haven't tried), Yahoo, Hotmail, GMail (don't need-use IMAP), and I also even use it for OWA (Outlook Web Access) so I can

Hmm.. now I see them again. Must be me. {I knew I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.}

@Gina Trapani, Lifehacker Editor: um, Gina? Where is the list? You commented that you fixed the problem, but almost a year later and I don't see a list. ;)

Thanks for this tutorial! At home, I've always put up with web-mail, but with Thunderbird, Lightening/Provider, and the Webmail extensions, I'm REALLY happy! As has been mentioned above, a way to sync contacts natively with Google would be nice, but there is a workaround. I use Plaxo at work and I found a TB plugin