
@hnkelley: Oh, and thanks!!! This would be much easier to set up than the current method I'm considering: syncing my (several) ToDo lists between work and home automatically and via the internet and displaying them with Samurize. I love Samurize, btw.

I set it up to load in the side bar, which it does, but it still looks like it wants to be a full page, much too wide for the side bar. How can I change this so it fits in the smaller width of the side bar?

I have but one checking account and a few savings accounts. The savings accounts are at credit unions I've joined and, since I'm not at those work places that allowed me to join, closing them would lose me the sometimes-better-rates.

I agree with the complaints about them requesting a CC number. No way! I understand Kin's argument about it, but I don't believe it's correct. As Gravitus stated, the National Do Not Call List doesn't need it. Neither does the opt-out (or in) for stopping the pre-approved garbage from CC and insurance companies.

Having just received my nice, shiny, new passport (now with RFID!), I'm hoping for this for Christmas: [] The RFID blocking passport wallet would be a nice addition to my travel kit.

Since the city I work for is an avowed MS shop, we can't run the more secure Linux. Not an issue in an office? Maybe... but I run well over 150 PCs at the library that are for public use. TrustNoExe is GREAT! Sure, nothing is perfect, especially in the Windows world, but this has cut down on my headaches so much,

Just found this great idea and guess what... I keep getting an error page that says translation from English to English is not supported. I guess they stopped this proxy-hack. Booo! On the other hand, as an admin, yay! Tough call how I feel about this.

I have a couple co-workers I'd LOVE to groom! :)

I solved this problem by getting a bigger motorcycle! :)

The article isn't saying this is how you START cleaning your home. It's how you keep it clean. I do many of these things regularly and it really helps cut down on the time needed for hard-core cleaning. If I could get my three roomies (one is a teenager!) to also do this, the house would actually BE clean and we

I think it looks cool, but I really hope it isn't a resource hog. I'm extremely pleased to be getting tags built in as I've been a fan of meta-data for years. This is actually something I requested! :)

Runas is a great tool and I use it often at work. What I need is a way to tell a program to always run as administrator, even though a dif user is logged in. I need this for one, lowly reason: the utility for removing U3 from USB sticks! I want the librarians to be able to do this without having to call me for it

@SciotoSurfer: Oh wow! Was having a CRAPTASTIC day until I read your comment! Thanks for the laugh.

Nice list, good stuff, but...

X10 has been around pretty much since the PC. Hell, I had X10 setup back when I had my Tandy 1000HD! The tech keeps expanding and there are some expensive modules, but, overall, they're not too pricey. That's a good thing when you look at a total home automation system as the price will still ad up.

Ah, I forgot my favorite.... I have no clue what it is, but some alien-looking plant has sprouted up from who-knows-where on my roof,through the shingles! I'm actually afraid to pull it as I'll have a hole to plug before the next rain (sometime next decade).

Kudzu... All that pretty, green stuff covering buildings and freeway roadsides everywhere in the Southern US. An equal problem to Solomon's Knotweed.

I used this to get my images from Flickr to Picasa... sorta. I already have my images on my PC, but I wanted to test this out completely. The download from Flickr went very well. It took a long time, but we're talking about almost 3GB if pictures.

Hey Adam, small mistake. Flickr has unlimited storage for even its free account. The 100MB limit is the monthly upload (bandwidth) limit. ([]) Not that that isn't a pain to hard-core vacation-shooters like me, but still a big difference. I have the free account with almost 3GB of pics, over 1700