
I didn't used to use View as HTML much, but, since Adobe 8 broke the PDF functionality in my FF, I began using View as HTML all the time. No going back! It's faster and causes a lot less trouble. Somebody mentioned making it the default? I concur 100%!

Been there, tried it, didn't like it. Granted, I'm not Mr. Social anyway, but all I ever really got out of MySpace, Et All was SPAM. Linked-In is nice and clean, but I just don't really have the kind of social drive to make that really functional for me either. Basically, this whole 'web 2.0' crap is, well, crap.

Ya, see... all these great tutorials say the same thing (which is fine, since they're basically correct), but:

I just happen to be leaving for Paris this weekend, and I packed my Wicked French phrase book. So, being the 'tard I am sometimes, I checked a few foul words... and Google translates them just fine! ;)

Great idea. SO I go to the linked site to see just how difficult it really is. Uhm... I'm pretty smart and all, but that just looks way too difficult for the return on investment. Dang. I might get to it later.

I just now (literally 10 minutes ago) started using Samurize and, looking at the graph above for prioritizing, I can see a real advantage to organizing your Samurize To Do Lists on the screen just this way. Such a deal! Today is a 2-for!!

Reading through these postings, some put a lot of good thought into this... others pack WAY TOO MUCH.

Daschund = leaky bladder on legs. Would people please, either let the bread die out or add new blood to the line to get rid of the HUGE nervous problems they have!?! Very cute dogs, but otherwise a nuisance because of that.

My favorit was a little physics and a lot of fast talk. I was pulled over for going just a little over the limit, but in very windy conditionts. (REMEMBER: safety trumps posted limit) I explained to the nice officer (I treat them with respcet and I usually get it back) that simple physics, as explained by force

@DEP: Actually, that depends on the person. My issue is a brain that won't shut down and certain noises help a lot. I meditate and sleep best with fairly loud music like ZZ Top, metal, heavy classical. And no commercials. As chris.lucier mentions, light is also critical. Even as odd as my sleep needs can be, I

I habitually sleep poorly and the meds the doc tried (ya, I sleep THAT badly) made a bigger mess of things. AcidReign and Zolielo are both right! The best sleep I get is when I have a minimum of caffeine (takes a lot to bother me, so some is OK), maybe a modicum of alcohol sometimes, a good day's work, and great

I'm currently on the phone with a friend from AZ (I'm in CA). I'm testing this and found something of a bug-a-boo. You see, I have a smart-phone. It locks automatically. So a call comes in from Numbr and I have to press 1 to accept the call from my friend. BUT, I have to unlock the phone, turn on the virtual

Um, ya... this is REALLY OLD news. Of course, for those not in the know, it is really interesting and helpful. I've been doing this for literally years, even back in the old DOS days, and I never even imagined that it might not work in these point-and-click days. Don't forget the "?", which works as a

@Dave Haggis: Really? I just hang up. Of course, the phone hardly rings anymore. A: Do Not Call list. B: Well, I only answer the cell and the land line phone is off. I sometimes check messages on it.

It mostly looks OK to me, but I know I can make mods to suit my basic desires of low salt and the like. My one point of contention is too many beans. Contrary to popular belief, gout is ALSO irritated by spinach, shrimp, and legumes... beans. The bean thing makes modification difficult.

Being a mental-defective myself (and having spent the last couple years trying to find the right meds), I have to say that the article and the comments raise some good points about a very complex issue that is usually overly simplified.

OK. I've had a chance to play with it some now. The configuration is extensive and the tool is in deed quite useful. It could use a little cleaning up, but it's better than what I would come up with since I'm not a programmer. I haven't checked if its possible to do some deeper editing to truly customize some of

Uh, I think either these folks are using a boilerplate license agreement on this thing, or they're just plain silly. The very first item listed in the "you may not" section is more than a bit odd for a freely down-loadable plug in:

E*trade has been found to be a privacy problem, especially in terms of spam suggesting what stocks, etc. to buy.

@HeartBurnKid: Great idea, and one I've used with great success via HijackThis. However, in this particular circumstance, rebooting puts the file back in place because it is an integral part of the profile that gets loaded when the system auto-logs in. In my frustration and anger last night at how crappy Windows is,