
She's not whining. It's more of a whinny.

Trigger warning: Fox News watchers with no sense of humor.

I mean extremist reactionaries in general.

If "white people are awful" is your takeaway from this, then you already had your mind made up about that and you're pushing some kind of agenda. Not every awful person in this show is white by a longshot.

So what happened to it? Shut down by the patriarchy?


Bill Maher > Generation Triggered

dam nyle dimarco b raysus.

I don't follow your rules for what I should or should not say. I got your point. I simply thought it was a bad one.

Oh, I'm sorry. Which one of the four I mentioned is not black? BTW, there have been many, many white actors who wore a dress for a laugh. Obviously not racism, right? So what was it?

You mean like Flip Wilson, Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, and Tyler Perry? It's so terrible that they were forced to play female characters completely against their will.

Sounds more like stuff only crazy white people do.

"Pharoah also said he was more willing than other players to reject sketches or ideas, saying he’d turn down suggestions for scenes where he’d have to do things like wear a dress."

Good thing for McDonald's black people don't care about this kind of stuff.

Damn, I guess this means we can't send him back now.

I was thinking Bob Segar, but for "Katmandu," not "Turn the Page."

Does this mean he's a Chinese agent?

You assume too much.

They want to make you stop eating pork. Are you ready for that, amigo?

You can't brew beer with goat meat.