I love Best in Show and am embarrassingly happy that Mindy Kaling gave it a shoutout.
I love Best in Show and am embarrassingly happy that Mindy Kaling gave it a shoutout.
I hope he’s Ashley Madison’s next victim.
I can’t be on Twitter right now because apparently Ellen Page called out Ted Cruz at some state fair shit in Iowa and the first tweet I saw was someone saying “Ted Cruz is confronted by irrelevant actress Ellen Page and takes her down beautifully”
Your dad is good people. Howe and Lee’s drawings are so fucking great. Please tell him he is very cool.
My dad was a pretty serious LOTR nerd before it was cool, i.e. before the movies came out. He read all the appendices and books by Tolkien’s son annotating his father’s notes and books about the linguistics and collections of artwork about Middle Earth. Two of these artists were particularly considered to be experts,…
*whispers* dementia
Psoriasis is pure hell. Unadulterated hell. If she has any, she has suffered rejection and torment.
Ladies of London is your eventual elephant graveyard. With the ivory. Collected by your India colonizing ancestors.
The psoriasis must be how she and Kim K. became friends. “Life is like, so hard!” “Oh, I know, right? We have it so bad!” “Let’s take a selfie!”
Oh, poor thing. How will she ever live on her trust fund and earnings from being pretty, thin, and from a rich family?
These dudes do NOT have homies. They do not have friends with wives. They do not have friends with girlfriends. They do not have friends who talk to their own sisters or mothers (except to ask for caretaking). The easiest way to get this way is to be socially isolated. And the easiest way to be socially isolated is to…
I loved his reaction e-mail and tweets. “I wanted to HELP YOU and your failing career. I can offer you twice as much as Buzzfeed.” “Wasn’t hitting on you anyway.” And then started demeaning her and her job. The communication kept getting angrier and angrier. She was outraged, but it was righteous outrage. His wasn’t.…
“i offered to help your career” is a thing a weird producer tells you before asking you to the casting couch
I saw this earlier when I was on twitter and I was just like bruhhhh wtf. Also that “I even offered to help!!!!!!1111” part is what all fake ass male feminists/allies say when they want to pass off their predation as help.
every fucking tweet beat i tell myself “DO NOT READ YOKO’S TWEET” and every fucking time i do.
Easy. Don’t act like an asshole while wearing it.
I don’t know what republicans want. They don’t want women to be able to have babies they don’t want woman to be able to avoid having babies.
What. The. Fuck. That is just beyond.
It’s probably their go-to weekend plan at this point: “I don’t feel like doing anything huge, honey, let’s just get secret married again. We can finish off those pizza rolls in the freezer too.”