I am loving everybody trying to out-Trump Trump. The entire nasty id of the Republican party is being exposed to the world. It’s only a matter of time before one of them uses the n-word.
I am loving everybody trying to out-Trump Trump. The entire nasty id of the Republican party is being exposed to the world. It’s only a matter of time before one of them uses the n-word.
Not that it’s terribly important, but for some cultural context: for middle-class Torontonians, going up north to cottage country is a yearly ritual in summer. If your family doesn’t have a cottage, it’s likely that you’ll know someone who does. For a lot of kids, visiting friends at their cottages represents, for…
I ran an excellent idea for some seriously good civil disobedience past a PP acquaintance and she was not down with it. Seriously pissed actually. In this day and age everyone (looking at you PP) is always apologizing and backing down. I say stand up and give it right back. Hit them in their pocket and make sure they…
It’s just amazing tho! They really don’t think ahead at all.
They don’t think that far! Planned Parenthood? That’s the abortion place. That’s literally all they do, besides selling fetus parts in frozen icicles to liberals as a summer treat. They just don’t give a shit. Nothing else matters but the words “abortion” “gay” “minority” “welfare” “gun control”.
After all these years of bat shit insane republicans, after all their rape ignorance, repression, hating women, and poors, all I really want to know is:
Yeah, I think you hit all the nails on the head. (1) Scary black men, (2) sassy black women, (3) slutty women and (4) abortion.
As Michael Ian Black said yesterday, the problem is mental illness, right? Nothing to do with guns, no siree. Just the only country in the world with mental illness.
But, no public outcry re: endemic violence on women? Lone white males who shoot up public spaces every couple days? White male serial killers? No? Still big scary black men are the problem? Oh, and sassy black women. And slutty women in general. Legal abortion, that’s our problem.
That reporter is a goddamn professional. I would have lost it.
That sounds both scary and magical. :)
I almost beat a woman with my camera in Yellowstone once. She kept inching closer and closer to a bison and I told her she needed to back up. She responded, “Oh, they must be so used to people by now.” When I told her that, no, they aren’t, that they are quite dangerous and can charge at up to 35 mph, she looked…
The shark looks so depressed. Like when fans ask Kanye West for a selfie and his soul just leaves his body.
This is an interesting study to report on, but the tone of this article (namely, presenting it as advice) is very MRA/PUA. Like, we’re supposed to start ostensibly platonic friendships with people under the expectation that they owe us sex and we will eventually ensnare them into a relationship? Because that’s what…
My Doberman is my character judge. I don’t trust anyone until they get his seal of approval.
Some people are not ready to be sane.
I’m with Betty on Mad Men on that one: “I’ve learned to listen when people tell you it’s over. They don’t want to say it so it’s usually the truth.”