Asking Tina Brown if she thinks the monarchy will survive is like asking your local news sports anchor if he thinks you should vote in favor of building the big new sports arena in town: of course they will answer yes because if the franchise folds, they are out of work.
I will destroy that entire list with the best show ever run on Netflix with 2 words, Altered Carbon. Go ahead it cannot be surpassed for awesome set design, directing, music selection & spot a on Cyberpunk Noir show.
Hero is a word, very much over used these days.
Hope she knows they’d have fired her ass if she hadn’t gotten injured and that fact has readjusted her thinking, but I’m not holding my breathe. Letitia out here looking to get fired for nonsense.
he could top the living fuck out of me right on top of my 40k gaming table.
There’s little you can do for the dead, weasel eyes that seems to come standard with the “I need guns to feel powerful and I hate black people” kit.
Both of those dances were terrible. That wasn’t a tango. And his posture was terrible! This. Is. A. Tango.
On behalf of parents everywhere whose kids just left their crap behind for them to deal with, fuck that guy.
So...we all ready to cry again?
Rob Thomas (the singer & writer) greatly implied it was because his wife is Spanish and sometimes is a lot. So he both meant it (because he does love her) but also winkingly meant it as well. That was Santana’s favorite part of the song when he saw the lyrics to it and Rob Thomas says in concerts that, “then he looked…
Yeah. That’s how I felt watching this last night on the local news. I was like, cool, this will be on The Root tomorrow.
I’m not a generally violent person ... but that teacher needs an ass whipping.
I was ready to fight at the title. I read somewhere that cutting someone’s hair without their permission is battery; I don’t know if it’s true but if it is, I would be looking to press charges.
*flames on the side of my face*