Hi my name is URL

Valid point but I’m not sure we’re using “force yourself” in the same way.

Obama instilled hate into the hearts of countless Americans

Same strategy that got through the primaries and the election.

These are all good tips. I would just add, they’re not just for interviews.

Was he yelling “Stellaaaaa”

1.5, do I hear 1.5?

Cats? How about Grandparents?

FOOLS! Too late did the TSX driver realize that he was the ninja’s target.

I’m sorry, we were looking for Tractor Beam videos. Tractor BEAM.

Title of the article is also wrong. Ferrarris fly just fine, just can’t land for shit.

Same here. Practice fastening and releasing your seatbelt a few times when you sit down. I recall reading about people getting trapped in their seats just because the latches are unfamiliar in a panic situation.

The electric car gets my volt.

It’s 2017 - grabbing them by the pussy might get you elected

  • when you choose to work out doesn’t matter as long as you do it

They were lucky that Mustang couldn’t get enough traction to break traction and get pointed towards that train.

You do realize they never realized the Civil War ended and they’ve been waging this war for 150 years still.

And I would have gotten away with it too, if not for you meddling kids!

That was quite a snow drift, eh?

Yea, none of this is true. Manufacturers always have incentives to offer better gas mileage.

Cars and Trucks should get the MPG that their customers want, not what the government wants.