
I’m afraid I have to side with the DCF on this one as well... I’m sure that this is very painful for her and her family, but there’s a lot in the linked article which is concerning. She can’t understand dosage directions on a medicine bottle; what happens if the kid gets sick and she tries to give her medicine, but

In an ideal world, the foster parents would teach her how to care for her baby but it’s not an ideal world. It’s the real world. In the real world, foster parents have their own kids and work and lives to attend to. It’s not their job to educate the biological mother on how to care for her child - it’s just not. If

But she sure as hell got life-saving heart surgery when she needed it.

This is 100% me confessing my ignorance: I had no idea that Mother Teresa was white. I think I assumed she was Indian, and the “Teresa” was like a confirmation name or whatever. I know the name, but everything I know about her could be summed up in a keyword search: Calcutta, nun, orphans, white nun scarf thing.

Stop kink shaming Mother Teresa!

“Mother” Teresa also felt that giving pain medication to people dying from cancer was unnecessary, because she had a pain fetish. Of course, when it came to her own care, no expense was spared to see the best doctors. But them poor brown folk - Jesus just looooooves it when they are suffering.

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.

Yup. So many people working at the Wal Mart that destroyed the economy of their home towns and having to go to the food bank on weekends. So many “gig” economy workers living with six other people in a two bedroom place while waiting out the “now we don’t have to pay you benefits” rehire policy time periods at tech

As someone who has worked with survivors of domestic violence and as someone who is below the poverty line (because I chose a career that works with survivors of domestic violence), these articles feel like such a heavy “should” that so many can't accomplish. I appreciate your acknowledgment that this is a pipe dream

There’s enough porn in the world already.

Star Trek 2009 grabs you by the throat and doesn’t let go. Life/Death...lens flare. Intense.

Always thought that the opening sequence of The Dark Knight was one of the more brilliant scenes in all of movies. It was a perfect setup and introduction to Health Ledger’s Joker performance. Hit all the right notes of the heist movie genre while living in the world of Batman.

I know The Watchmen gets a lot of hate in the nerdy parts but I think that its intro is fantastic and so interesting.

The Shining. The aerial footage of the drive up to the Overlook Hotel combined with the Wendy Carlos score is unforgettable.

The opening long scene of Wall-E is just magic. It hits lots of emotions, and sets up an entire world, only to turn it all on its head when EVE arrives.

Nausicaa of the valley of the wind, the good, the bad the weird

I quite like the opening of Pitch Black.

Now playing

I quite like the opening of Children of Men which drops you in the middle of the world while simultaneously gives you enough detail to not only reveal the state of it but also build it.

When I was 4, my mom’s crazy stalker (she was married to my dad - this dude just saw her walking in the neighborhood and thought she was hot) committed arson at our house - twice. I woke up when the fire truck roared up to our house to douse the fire he started in a pile of leaves. He came around the next day to tell