
“We’re always in crunch,” a source told Polygon. “Crunch never ends in a live service game like that. You’re always building more content and more stuff.”

I don’t think it’s fair to blame the customer here, they aren’t demanding an endless stream of content so much as they’re currently willing to pay for it. Epic is just pumping out as much as they can as fast as they can because they know nothing can stay on top forever

How do you know?

Not at literal gunpoint, but they are, figuratively. Game dev is the career they wanted. This is what they do for a living. Crunch is forcing brutal work hours by coercion of job security; you either meet your employer’s demands, or wind up on the chopping block in the next quarterly review.

At this point I would assume STW is dead.  Why would they ever commit resources to it, especially if keeping BR propped up is taking 200% of their available staff.

In 2011 people didn’t understand the point of the Samsung Galaxy Note neither. People said it was too big and looked ridiculous while holding to your ear, some even said that 4" is the biggest that we can ever have due to the physical size of human hands. Fast forward to 2019 basically every phone is influenced by the

This is the basic idea of review units, yes.  They aren’t suckers considering they didn’t pay for them.

Without the ‘Did you see what I did there?’ this would have been a great comment.

Yeah, but then again most of them are staying at the hotel before going back home. The hotel is where you wind down, enjoy the spa treatment and have a nice hearty meal. You can stay for an entire year and not eat the same meal twice.

Nah, just 20% of Manhattan. Squeezing so many people into so small of an island, along with slowly gassing them all with a mixture of hot garbage and pee, just makes a lot of people want to go on murder sprees.

We are pretty much always working.

So, forget the fact that Pete’s father was killed in a very tragic and traumatic event, and that kind of shock changes the dynamics of surviving family members like him and his mom.

Well, and the part that I find so toxic (I shudder to use this word, but it seems apt) about the attitude is how it displays this obsession with Davidson—and presumably this is supposed to hold for the average dude—demonstrating worthiness for female attention entirely through material means. And then we turn around

It’s been proven that strong family ties are incredible boosters for mental health and a long life.

Context is everything.

At what point are we allowed to mention that Pete Davidson is constantly being bullied and this is shitty? Duder is hella mentally ill and doesn’t seem like a bad person and I kinda hate the way he keeps getting publicly shit on and think he could legit kill himself as someone with two suicide attempts Of my own I

I said this in a comment that will probably say in the grays because Dirt Bag is no longer that fun and therefore is less popular, but I live with my mom because (like Pete) I have a serious, chronic mental illness. I am also employed and we share living expenses. But no one cares about me as much as my mom does, and

He also bought the house for his mom. The frequency of his jokes involving his mom are pretty solid evidence that they’re very close. I know that if I were single and bouncing from woman to woman in my mid-twenties, recovering from addiction, fighting crippling depression and Crohn’s Disease, I’d probably go live with

Plus it certainly sounds like a little stability could help him after his roller coaster of a last two years - addiction treatment, mental health issues, constant reporting on his romantic life.

So what? Maybe he likes his mom? Maybe she keeps him grounded. I truly think that people who haven’t lost a parent can’t understand how much that experience makes you value the one you have left.