
I know for myself and some other’s this is just one of many things that have turned us away from the game. BO4's approach seems to be a shotgun approach of quantity over quality and it showed in the launch. Plus i personally hate the new system of perks, it removes what little challenge the gamemode had since the

I think you mean

I personally hope they don’t get bogged down with the horror aspect, and just have fen with it.

That’s great news!

These “hot takes” Steam zealots have where everything that might go bad with EGS is because of evil are really getting tiresome.

These things have happened with Steam before, you know? Not in recent years because their sales have become laughable to the point where I get most of my stuff off Fanatical, Humble, or GMG,

How did they pull "some shady shit"? Epic themselves are taking the profit loss, meaning the developer still gets the full price. Which also means they get a chance to sell more units at a discounted price, while still making full profits. If anything, it's the developers pulling shady shit. 

So basically Epic pulled some shady and manipulative trickery and didn’t tell people ahead of time, and then when companies said, “Hold up! We didn’t agree to this!”, Epic tried to paint it as those companies being unreasonable?

The top post of the past week on the Anthem subreddit is titled "Can we all just agree that Anthem is dead?" with 8k+ upvotes, so I think it's safe to say people are admitting it. 

Absolutely- part of running a live service like this is knowing when not to stick to the schedule of events. It really shows their inexperience, being so inflexible about when they are to end (presumably around or at the originally intended time) when so much else has been delayed.

This is a totally understandable thing to have removed (since they were meant to be temporary), but again, shows how badly Bioware is mismanaging the expectations of Anthem players (and I say this as someone who isn’t particularly angry, as I bought Anthem to play occasionally as a side-game).

I’d rather have unions and games take twice as long to make tbh

It’s almost as if making racist comments and making light of Nazis will make you popular with racists...

how is competition anything but pro-consumer?  also it seems more pro-developer than anything else 

Hmm, that’s something of a false equivalence. As a console gamer you’re tacitly agreeing that you will play ONLY the games that Sony expressly agrees to host on their operating environment. You play games at the whim of Sony. You literally cannot play a game Sony does not agree to host on a PS4 without manipulating

Oh, it’s not, and it never was.

I still don’t see how PC storefront exclusivity is anti-consumer in any way shape or form. Console gamers don’t lose their shit this badly when PS4 or Xbox One has exclusivity and that requires an actual purchase. It’s fucking embarrassing really.

You think forcing Steam to lower the cut they take of video games is not pro consumer? A lower cut means a lot of independent developers will be able to sell their games for less and still make a profit. Technically AAA developers could as well but not while they have to pay the bloated paychecks of guys like Bobby

If only they cared this much about their own employees.

“less frustrating”

and yet we have game like The Division where you can carry 100 guns in one single backpack.